Now with a much better honeycomb structure:
Also this was an ad that page brought up:
These things could be a big hit in rock crawling and could have uses for other off-road events...
Oh, on the topic of alternative wheels, remember there's a company that makes track kits that allow you to fit caterpillars to a truck, but they cost about a bazillion dollars?
(EDIT: Oh right it was Mattracks
Well check this out:
I wonder how much those cost...there could be a way to replicate that system more cheaply...
Yeah, but how are you gonna make dubs like that?

11/18/08 1:16 p.m.
Read about this in the school paper a little while back, developed by students at UW-Madison. Go Badgers!
Those driveshafts look like they're running at over 50 degrees...I'm guessing each driveshaft has a little gearbox at each end, which is then hooked up to the diff and transfer case with a U-joint 
Also on the alternative wheels topic, check these out:
A quick Youtube search should turn up vids of forklifts going sideways - and not in a way that makes them tip over. Obviously though, it requires either electric motors or a really fancy transmission / transfer case system.
similar wheels -
those honeycomb "twheels" would be great for Rally-Cross. we are always having people blow the bead off their rims.
maroon92 wrote:
those honeycomb "twheels" would be great for Rally-Cross. we are always having people blow the bead off their rims.
I only remember blowing the exhaust off my car with "super Merkur VTAK powarrr! (Fueled by Baconator)
Those would be awesome in allot of off road type situations. + =
berkeleying sweet