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Nashco SuperDork
10/16/09 12:12 p.m.

Add me to the group that thinks mid-engine means engine between the driver and the rear axle.


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/16/09 12:20 p.m.

Technically I agree that mid-engined means anywhere clearly between the axles...but that's different from the common meaning of the word.

tuna55 Reader
10/16/09 12:31 p.m.

I won't argue any more, I will point out the following points:

1 I never said it didn't matter, I said it doesn't matter THAT MUCH. I would still challenge anyone to find where it has ever been measured - even by a race team.

2: I understand that common knowledge disagrees with me. To this guy, saying the engine is in the middle of the car means it's between the axles. Nothing about "mid engined" specifies where the driver could go.

SVreX SuperDork
10/16/09 1:18 p.m.

Anybody read the Wiki link?

Wiki's def

ReverendDexter HalfDork
10/16/09 1:38 p.m.

Someone already said this, but mid engine means the engine is placed between the front and rear wheels. It's irrelevant where the passengers are.

Traditionally, I've seen/used "mid-engine" to mean between the passengers and the rear axle and "front-mid" to mean between the passengers and the front axle.

I think it's harder to define "front-mid", because it depends on how you locate the engine. Do you do it by it's center of mass? Or do you do it by it's external dimensions? If it's the former, there's not that many "front engine" performance cars anymore, the only real exception I can think of are Subarus.

SVreX SuperDork
10/16/09 4:51 p.m.

Subarus are not "front mid". The motor hangs entirely in front of the front axles.

I think that's the same thing you said.

stan_d Dork
10/16/09 9:14 p.m.

How bad would it be to set a v8 in a nissan 240sx with the front of the engine at the firewall ? Challange car don't have to be practical. Just work.

Tyler H
Tyler H GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/16/09 9:32 p.m.

"I have an MR2. Yeah, it's mid-engined" =

"I have an RX7. Technically, it's mid-engined" =

If your car is technically mid-engined, then chances are it is already cool and there are plenty of other attributes to tout.

I think "mid-engined" defines a car which is characterized by that distinction. "Technically mid-engined" is just good design philosophy for an otherwise FR car.

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