I unfortunately have to cancel. The wind storm we had in the Chicago area on Friday caused some damage to my roof. It peeled some shingles off and what with having to track down some matching ones and waiting until the wind died down on Sat, I felt that fixing the roof ASAP was more important then a trip to meet you guys. Sorry but home and hearth come first.
Hope you all enjoy yourselves.
Good times, nice seeing all y'all.
Yes it was good meeting everyone. I hope everyone one had a good time. Some things could have been smoother and the seating arrangement at the restaurant wasn't ideal, but I think everyone had a good time.
Thanks for organizing syntheticblinkerfluid! Sorry I had to bail on lunch! Extenuating circumstances with my cousin 
In reply to clutchsmoke:
Ahh ok, we were wondering where you disappeared off to. Hope everything is well!
Apparently, the FR-S is low enough to go under an Indiana toll road gate. Don't ask how I know.
BTW...there are there 3 roundabouts in sucession near Douglas ave. Way fun.
Had a great time! Hope to see everyone again soon. What happened to the trophy? It was getting passed around and apperenty wandered off when it was time to leave. Figuered we could keep passing it to the next 'longest drive' person whenever theres a meeting.
RustedBustedSpit ended up with the trophy
My son and I really enjoyed the day. The food and conversation was excellent, and we are looking forward to the next "event" whatever it may be. Thanks for having us!
Sounds like it was a good time, really wish I could have made it.
It was a fun time, looking forward to the next one.

I had a great day, meeting all of you. The museum was very cool. Lunch was delicious.
The ride home was... well... I should know better by now, and NOT go through Chicago, and take I-294 around, instead. What the hell do Chicagoans do on Saturday nights? Do they all get in their cars and say, "Let's go clog up the expressways, for no berking reason."
Glad I went.
Some rablings and observations...
The weather was about perfect. For me it was pretty much one long staight road to get there. Set the cruise at 78 and there was nearly no traffic there or back. Each way, I lock in behind another car doing similar speed as a little bit of ticket protection (with them in the lead.)
On the way there is was a modern, rental spec Malibu. On the way home a modern, ecoboost Explorer
I arrived a little late and upon arrival there were GRM'er gather near the door outside. Park and realize that you are surrounded by GRM cars that you recognize but have never seen in person.
Walk to the front and outside there are some GRM'ers you know and others you meet. Walk into the lobby and more GRM'er; some you know, some you meet. Join up with some of those you know and wander through the museum where at every corner you see more GRM'ers, so you know, some you meet.
Cool museum and more to it than I thought there would be. Some things that stuck out to me.
Studebaker originated in cover wagons for heading west. I had never really stood next to one. Interesting and primitive.
I really do not understand Avanti. There was a Club Room dedicated to Studebaker clubs and much of this was dedicated to Avanti Clubs. They showed pictures of Avantis that were "kit car" like based off F-bodies and a 2005 Mustang. None of these "kits" were actually on the grounds.
Genuine Avanti:

F body sample:
2005 Mustang:
The food and the lunch choice was a good choice even if a little tight.
There were about 8 previous Challenge attendees present representing about 6 different recent Challenge cars. That struck me as a really big number. With the Challenge issue just hitting homes, naturally The Challenge was a big topic.
I learned a few cool things about a few planned Challenge cars that I likely would not have known otherwise! The van kulture was strong. It gave me some inspiration to my next years effort. My mind on my way home was scheming some plans for next year!
I also got a first hand account of the Sanford Bus from someone who had actually "witnessed" it. Pretty cool.
There was talk of doing it again but the next time at The Auburn Cord Duesenburg Museum in Auburn, Indiana which is roughly an hour further east. A little more some some, a little less for others but generally in the same area.
I was very pleased with the museum. The fact that it celebrated Studebaker and other vehicles made in Indiana was very cool.
It's unfortunate that they went under, because I've always wondered what if they hadn't....
In reply to JohnRW1621:
I was talking with Aussie before we all left and I think if we can keep this going and meet up a couple times a year, we can move around to different places every time.
Not all of us are able to make the challenge, so this gives people a chance to meet up with other GRMers.
We had a good time, the museum was better than I expected.
I will bring the trophy to the next one so it can be passed along.
I would have liked to hang around longer bit both mine and the borrowed kid were getting restless.
Thank you syntheticblinkerfluid for organizing this. And thank you Appleseed for the awesome t-shirts. My wife and I had a great time at the museum and getting to see you all. We look forward to the next event.
This would be awesome. I think since I joined the forum I've met exactly three members in person 
Maybe with upcoming events we can come up with more reasons for poorly welded trophies.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
In reply to JohnRW1621:
I was talking with Aussie before we all left and I think if we can keep this going and meet up a couple times a year, we can move around to different places every time.
Not all of us are able to make the challenge, so this gives people a chance to meet up with other GRMers.
2/21/16 8:17 p.m.
Thanks again for organizing, I had a great time!
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
In reply to JohnRW1621:
I was talking with Aussie before we all left and I think if we can keep this going and meet up a couple times a year, we can move around to different places every time.
Not all of us are able to make the challenge, so this gives people a chance to meet up with other GRMers.
I was already thinking that. There's the Illinois Railway Museum, in Union Illinois. The EAA air museum in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Algonquin Illinois recently revived a hill climb event. If we met in Dayton Ohio, I'd never leave the Air Force museum. 
In reply to Appleseed:
The Transportation Extravaganza in August at IRM is the best time to go. So many cool cars, trucks, and military vehicles show up and the museum gets out a lot of the equipment.
Automotive history is one of my passions, but also is railroad history. I would highly suggest it as a future possibility. It's a fun day.
I'll throw in the Gilmore Museum in western Michigan as an interesting place to meet up.
The Auburn, Cord Duesenberg museum in Indiana is good also.
The AF museum in Dayton is amazing. I spent almost a day there and didn't see all of it. I'd go back in a second.
Appleseed wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
In reply to JohnRW1621:
I was talking with Aussie before we all left and I think if we can keep this going and meet up a couple times a year, we can move around to different places every time.
Not all of us are able to make the challenge, so this gives people a chance to meet up with other GRMers.
I was already thinking that. There's the Illinois Railway Museum, in Union Illinois. The EAA air museum in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Algonquin Illinois recently revived a hill climb event. If we met in Dayton Ohio, I'd never leave the Air Force museum.