5/15/09 1:38 p.m.
Well, I'm about to set off for a three hour drive (in a downpour) to see my girlfriend. I will be driving the 91 318 convertible, and am really excited (if you couldn't tell by this post)
Any central illinoisers gonna be at the Sunday Autocross in Rantoul? Hopefully I will be able to convince her to go, I think I might get her to, although I doubt I can get her to drive (what is so hard about a stick shift?)
good luck and have a safe trip. bring back some cool pics and video...
New Reader
5/15/09 10:27 p.m.
mtn What town do you live in? If you live close to Chicago I can tell you about some really good autox events with lots of timed runs like 9-12.
5/16/09 12:26 p.m.
I'm about twenty minutes from Wisconsin. I think that my dad and I are autocrossing with Wisconsin Autocross this year; the only reason I might be going to Rantoul is because I am trying to get my girlfriend to go with me; she's in Bloomington right now.
5/16/09 12:27 p.m.
RCRX19 wrote:
mtn What town do you live in? If you live close to Chicago I can tell you about some really good autox events with lots of timed runs like 9-12.
9-12 runs? Where is that?
New Reader
5/16/09 12:39 p.m.
Widy City Miata Club
Hear are the resalts from last weekes event with Miata club
I have the only Fiat X1/9 at the event
New Reader
5/16/09 12:44 p.m.
Oh and resalts from CVO's last event .
I plane on atending the nexed CVO event next weekend.
Windy City Miata's put on nice events. When I was autocrossing regularly I went to a couple of their events and had a blast. Usually pretty tight courses.
New Reader
5/16/09 1:51 p.m.
I'll be there in a smurf blue STS miata.
New Reader
5/16/09 8:01 p.m.
garyp you said "I'll be there in a smurf blue STS miata. "
wich event are you talking about The next Miata club event or the next CVO event? where you at the last Miata event if so what was your car number?
I'll be there. Red '96 Miata in CSP. I'll keep an eye out for you Sunday. :D
New Reader
5/16/09 11:25 p.m.
Garyp and petegossett come on up to the CVO event next sunday 5/24/09 .Or are you afraid of a little old Fiat x1/9?just kiding come on up have some fun.Like i said before there will be at lest 8 timed runs or more.
5/17/09 10:53 a.m.
Blast! I didn't get to go to the Rantoul one today, maybe I'll make it to something up back up north next week
You missed a good event. We had great weather & everybody got a minimum of 6-runs.
I'm almost, kinda-sorta, starting to get a feel for this RWD thing. Maybe I won't trade my Miata for a Rabbit, at least, not yet.
New Reader
5/18/09 8:36 p.m.
Pete, you know I have a Rabbit 5-speed in stock

the wcmc is always cooo to run with. if anyone seems the paople in charge tell the the delta 88 guy says hi....lsigh..nmo moneey to autocross...much less finish the new toy...sigh...
New Reader
5/23/09 6:04 p.m.
New Reader
5/23/09 6:06 p.m.
I've been lurking on WCMC site for some time. I'll make one of their events someday.
New Reader
5/23/09 6:08 p.m.
Delete Double Post (I sukz at the innernets)
its a 3 hour minimum drive to ANY auto-x for me.