The Minissan entry is in the mail, so, is the Turderkly going to compete or just sit under the tent? Well.......
The Minissan entry is in the mail, so, is the Turderkly going to compete or just sit under the tent? Well.......
"Dear GRM, It's time to stop the charade. There's no way these cars were built for $2008. My brother-in-law's cousin's girlfriend read that you can't buy a Mini for less than MSRP..."
fastclown wrote: The Minissan entry is in the mail, so, is the Turderkly going to compete or just sit under the tent? Well.......
Is the Minissan going to be able to come off the jack stands and drive once you pull off all of that bling? You've only got 34 days to unblingify that thing, better get to it if you're going to get back under budget! You are right to question the Berzerkeley, everybody knows the F in FWD stands for "wrong" so it obviously can't be right.
Nashco wrote:fastclown wrote: The Minissan entry is in the mail, so, is the Turderkly going to compete or just sit under the tent? Well.......Is the Minissan going to be able to come off the jack stands and drive once you pull off all of that bling? You've only got 34 days to unblingify that thing, better get to it if you're going to get back under budget!You are right to question the Berzerkeley, everybody knows the F in FWD stands for "wrong" so it obviously can't be right.
He already owned up to running it in exhibtion.
fastclown wrote: The Minissan entry is in the mail, so, is the Turderkly going to compete or just sit under the tent? Well.......
The Berzerkely's application has a lot shorter distance to go than yours and there's always the mail room intern going 'Oopsie daisy....
Mental wrote:Nashco wrote:He already owned up to running it in exhibtion.fastclown wrote: The Minissan entry is in the mail, so, is the Turderkly going to compete or just sit under the tent? Well.......Is the Minissan going to be able to come off the jack stands and drive once you pull off all of that bling? You've only got 34 days to unblingify that thing, better get to it if you're going to get back under budget!You are right to question the Berzerkeley, everybody knows the F in FWD stands for "wrong" so it obviously can't be right.
I thought all the cars (including exhibition) needed to still meet all of the same rules except they could be tube frame, kit cars, etc. Did I misread the memo? If the budget doesn't matter for the exhibition class, I guess I don't understand the point of the class in the $200X challenge. Help me out here.
I think if you bring a cool enough car, you get to show it. Or if you are building the publisher's car for him.
Honestly, I don't think the Berzerkley will be ready for primetime then. It's now running/starting/whatever, but the bodywork and details still aren't sorted out.
The purpose of us inviting you to come to the Challenge was for you to show off your wonderful creation, even if it didn't meet the budget ruling.
It was not to give you a chance to act like an asshat.
Per Schroeder wrote: Honestly, I don't think the Berzerkley will be ready for primetime then. It's now running/starting/whatever, but the bodywork and details still aren't sorted out. The purpose of us inviting you to come to the Challenge was for you to show off your wonderful creation, even if it didn't meet the budget ruling. It was not to give you a chance to act like an asshat. Per
Is everyone else rereading the thread and trying to figure out who the asshat is? Hope it wasn't me...
I'm a asshat? What's a asshat? It sounds like the new baby is keeping someone up all night and then it's taken out on a poor clown. That is if I'm the one being called the asshat. If it's not me please disregard my prior statement and have a nice day.
Mike (the asshat) was invited, as he has been a part of our event since the start. We do not generally invite cars that don't meet meet the qualifications, but made an exception, as Mike is such a nice, modest easy to deal with guy .
As for building the publisher's car, I have quite a few hours in it too and anticipate more hours to come. This is a group effort, as I have five other cars I am working on right now. I see the Berzerkeley as the magazine's car or even your car, as we are building and using it to promote your event. Despite what Per said, I am still optimistic about having it running and driving for the event. But, we have some more important things to worry about, like getting magazines done on time.
That said, its probably time for another good clown thrashing. This is Tim not Margie by the way... too lazy to log back in again.
asshat (as-hat) n. a nice, modest easy to deal with guy.
Per was just saying, "It was not to give you a chance to act like a nice, modest easy to deal with guy."
Thanks, it makes sense now.
As I understand it, both of these vehicles were intended to show just how much could be accomplished within the guidelines of the Challenge rules.
As I understand it, both have gone further than reasonably makes them eligible.
I've spent years waiting for both of them, and look forward to seeing both of them in whatever state.
Given the intent and primary effort of the builds, I think they both deserve to be there, and exhibit just how much can be done with enough sweat. That's why they call it exhibition. I appreciate that Mike is willing to bring the car without being eligible to win.
I kind of like the competition idea, just for fun. But my fun won't be spoiled if it doesn't happen.
I would also be interested in a summary of what went into the cars that went too far. For example, Mike could show some pics of how far he made it on $200x, and list some of the things that put him over the budget.
Marjorie Suddard wrote: This is Tim not Margie by the way... too lazy to log back in again.
It probably takes longer to write that sentence than it does to log in as yourself. Not complaining. Just pointing out a potential time usage inefficiency.
Don't let him fool you. Everyone here knows Marjorie carries the most weight and he wanted to get our attention.
Mental wrote: Don't let him fool you. Everyone here knows Marjorie carries the most weight and he wanted to get our attention.
Yup. +1.
Mental wrote: Don't let him fool you. Everyone here knows Marjorie carries the most weight and he wanted to get our attention.
I wouldn't use the term "carries the most weight" to describe Marjie... she might decide it's time for a new patio.
Turderkly sounds like Turducken and that makes me hungry.
Note: I have never actually eaten a turducken, the idea is kinda revolting but it does appeal to the same primitive brain functions that make a "Baconator" sound like a good idea.
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