slowbird said:
I'm down for making it monthly. We could even get some theme ideas from this (December build could be snow/winter-themed, etc.)
Alright, that's a lot of comments on monthly. So the next one is an August 1-31 build off? Do we want a theme? Should I bug JG and David about making it official?
I am sticking to already started kits for a while here. How about "replica stock" as a theme? I have several starts that fit, and it is an easy one to get the returnees and newbies into. You can add as much detail as you want, but it has to be a model of either a show room standard car, or a specific car at a specific time if it has modifications.
I'm in for a month.
TurnerX19, so period correct mods?
I'm in. I have an idea for another one too but I need some time to see if it will work.
In reply to vwcorvette (Forum Supporter) :
Gotta prove that it existed in full size at one time if modified. Photo of the original car you are modeling that shows the mods. I am going to take the easy way with an AMT Studebaker Avanti in turquoise over fawn, a factory color scheme from '63.
In reply to TurnerX19 :
Do you want to host the actual build? I'm happy to share!
I'm in. I'll just have to wait until I unpack my stash to decide what to build.
I am back in. Going to a month will help.
7/14/20 12:57 p.m.
is there going to be a new thread or are we just posting here?
Scale Auto Enthusiast, the model car print magazine that has been in business since 1979, will be printing their final issue on October 2020. This truly saddens me, as I have been a continuous subscriber since 1994-ish and read each and every issue cover-to-cover. They are the GRM of the model car world.
In reply to Javelin (Forum Supporter) :
Oof. I never subscribed but would sometimes pick up an issue here and there. It's sad.
In reply to Javelin (Forum Supporter) :
Sadly, it's a sign of the times. It was a great mag.
In reply to Javelin (Forum Supporter) :
Just got the email. Been reading it off and on for over twenty years. Sad. I lost Vette last year and now this.
7/26/20 1:49 p.m.
Alright I found all my stuff at my parents and I'm looking to get back into this.
I need to order glue, a build holder stand thing and a tool kit. I'll wait to decide on the build before I buy paints. Suggestions on the above and anything I've overlooked? Amazon preferred.
In reply to solfly :
Glue: I use different types for different pieces. Tamiya extra-thin cement works pretty good on unpainted parts, has a brush applicator, and sets quickly. CA or super glue for stubborn parts. Slow-setting Testor's tube glue if I want a nice big glob of glue to fill a gap in between two parts, or if I'm too lazy to scrape all the paint and chrome off and want things to stick anyway. Been trying out something called Mod Podge for clear parts. Hpiguy on youtube uses it on his builds.
Build holder: I'm a mess and have no organization.
There's something called an Arttystation that organizes all your tools and paints, but I couldn't find it on Amazon. If you want a paint stand, I have this Tamiya thing that is pretty good.
I also use this homemade thing that consists of a box and some extra cardboard pieces stapled together. I stick a body or something to that center piece with fun-tack poster mounting stuff, take it out of the box and paint, then slide it back in to let the paint dry. And the box flap edges are great for holding sprue pieces with alligator clips on them, for painting small parts or entire sprues.

Tool kit: I don't have any specific recommendations, but I can say that diamond files or other small files are extremely useful, as are tweezers. An exacto knife is a must of course. And sometimes a jeweler's saw is really handy for cutting things that would take forever with a knife.
This might be a good starter kit:
In reply to solfly :
The two indispensible Xacto blades are #11 and #10 You will break or dull out 5 times as many 11s as 10s, so order accordingly. Also two small handles. so either shape is ready to use.
Putting this here, since it was a side project while the 2-week builds were going on. The new Tamiya Mustang GT4 with Indycals Volt Racing decals. It's a great kit; it just clicks together. I had to buy a second decal sheet and double up the wing decals, because they let the underlying color show through. The crappy cell phone pics don't do the Mr Color florescent yellow justice. It looks like it's glowing.

7/29/20 8:59 p.m.
Woah! That's sweet. Color moulded or you painted?
In reply to BenB (Forum Supporter) :
That's beautiful!
I think I'm going to get one of those soon. I might try to build it as a hypothetical "GT3" version by beefing up the aero parts a little bit. Not sure though.
7/29/20 11:45 p.m.
Dear old dad buzzed me a couple weeks ago saying that there was a small flooding episode in the basement at the old homestead and a lot of junk we had stashed down there is probably junk. He said that if I didn't specifically ask for anything to be saved, it was going to get pitched in a long-overdue purge from 50+ years of accumulated stuff. From what I understand, a pretty good stash of unbuilt kits can be saved, and he'll be setting those aside for when I can get up there and get them. I don't even remember what those might be, so there's some surprises roaring back from the past one of these days.
FWIW I'm in for an August build. I'll keep an eye peeled for the new thread.
In reply to Claff :
The best thing about plastic is it doesn't get water damaged! 
If your instructions are ruined, try this site. They have a ton of them archived.
In reply to Claff :
Scalemates also has a lot of instructions as PDF files.The box art savers will be disappointed, but the kits (-decals) will build OK.
New Reader
7/30/20 12:14 p.m.
That Mustang is freaking awesome! I have one in my cart online, I should just pull the trigger.
Finished my RX7 build this week. This was a old Aoshima kit I picked up for 10 bucks, then purchased the wheels for 13 on ebay since they were missing.
I should have wet sanded it more, and someday I may go back and do that. It looks good on the shelf for now.
