After you get your LeMans fix this weekend, get ready for the other amazing European 24 hour race right behind it, and we just got some AMAZING news today regarding the 2019 Nurburgring 24:
We'll have LIVE STREAMS of the broadcast feeds of practice, qualifying and the race available on our Facebook, YouTube and web pages. No hunting around for a good race feed, just come to GRM and it's right there.
We've managed to score not only our usual photo pass, but VIDEO permission as well. This is kind of a huge deal, as getting video permission—even as journalists—for that race is very, very difficult. This means we'll have live broadcasts from the track prior to and during the event, as well as recorded video features to post throughout the week.
I can't stress enough what a huge deal this is, and how much effort went in to securing this. So please do us a solid and whenever you're tuning in to any of this coverage on our outlets next weekend, hit that "like" button and that "share" button on whatever outlet you're watching on. The better it goes this year, the more chance we have of doing it again.
I hope to bring you lots of live looks, especially from the Vintage race paddock next Wednesday. Vintage racing in Germany is nuts, and some of the cars will blow your butts out your socks.
I'm excited. Are you excited?