I'm pretty sure the Beardmore Brothers website has been discussed here before: http://www.beardmorebros.co.uk/index.html They have built a number of cool Morris Minors and Ladas with Fiat twincam engines. I haven't looked at their site for a while, but I stopped by there tonight and saw they have a new project underway: combining the drivetrain and suspension from a Miata along with a hand built frame with a Minor body. It's pretty neat.
Wow, that's some significant modification. Shortening the control arms is a big job, but nicely done.
Wouldn't shortening the control arms, make the geometry worse? I know most race cars do what they can to make the arms as long as they possibly can. It's still a neat project though.
They shortened the fore-aft length of the lower arm. The fundamental geometry isn't changed. Making the subframes narrower would have more of an effect, but the stable roll centers should remain. Not a bad job. Great examples of how to use fixtures as well.
Sniffle . . . gives me memories of my old "Project Morris Minor". Sigh
6/12/08 5:15 p.m.
Damm, makes me wish I still had this one.

Wow, that is some quality craftsmanship and truly an inspiration for getting it done at home...