Not for the faint of heart
Not for the faint of heart
I couldn't watch it all. I witnessed an accident once. The car was 3 car lengths in front of us when it was hit by a drunk. Little boy in the back seat lost his head, mom in the front passenger lived, her brother (driving) and husband (front middle passenger) died. It was the second most horrific thing I've ever seen. I won't drive after 1 beer or drink in a 12 hour period.
Very sobering video. Then there's this video of texting while driving:
I remember the old graphic Drivers Ed videos in HS before they went PC, real wrecks, real dead, very graphic.
Considering how much ad revenue comes from alcohol companies here in the US, I doubt any broadcaster other than PBS would consider airing it.
assuming a broadcaster had the acorns to show something that graphic... the alcohol companies would be the least of their worries.... no matter how PO'ed they were at the network they still have to have an outlet for their ads.... can't afford people not seeing those ads.........
I listen to police/ fire/ ems scanner in my area, surprising how MVA calls go up after the bars close, especially on the weekends. Shocking too how many unrestrained occupants there are these days after all the seatbelt campaigns and laws. I heard three unrestrained ejections in a five day period, thats nuts.
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