Ok, so we are looking at different options for on-board video for this season. Our Go-Pros are extremely old, and it would be nice to have a bit of "data" to go along with the video.
Since any upgrades in this department will have to come out of the season's beer budget, new Go-Pros or Garmins are out. So I've decided on using an app like Track Addicts on my phone, since I already own the phone. I just haven't found a mount that I really trust in an open car at 140mph.
My two main concerns are image-stability, and not having my phone fly off and get run over under braking.
Any recommendations?
This is relevant to my interest.
4/30/17 8:54 p.m.
RAM mounts X mount. We used it for all of One Lap last year, it was great both for on track with holding my phone to do video and telemetry, and on transits for Waze. I'm about to buy one of their big models for an iPad to use in the race car with external GPS for telemetry. Very satisfied with the quality.
In reply to Sonic:
I've looked a bit at Ram, but didn't see anything that would work. This will be mounted to the cage, and I didn't see anything for this diameter of tube.
The made in China copy of the RAM x-mount is listed on e-vil-bay as x-grip. For under $20 you can get one with a mounting tab that just has a hole in it that you can bolt directly to your cage somewhere with a muffler clamp or more fancy like with an appropriately sized light mount bracket designed for mounting led light bars to grill guards for another $20.
grafmiata wrote:
In reply to Sonic:
I've looked a bit at Ram, but didn't see anything that would work. This will be mounted to the cage, and I didn't see anything for this diameter of tube.
What size tubes do you have? I think I have a couple of brand new cage mount brackets that might help. Let me take a look.
Can you weld a nub/bracket/hoop to the existing roll bar expressly for the purpose of the camera mount?