So the other day I reversed the polarity of the power to my ms. It caused the TIP122 to explode. Long story short after a lot of checking and re checking things there does not appear to be any damage. So I put the daughter card back in it and things look good. The MS syncs with the laptop now
However What a PITA. I was going to start testing through the wiring harness (I am trying to make a P&P for my 924s) I ran a couple preliminary tests as I have everything wired up and things are just not rite. The readings of things just don't seem rite and or I an not getting any readings at all. So now I have to un wire everything and go back to testing at the DME plug. I am hoping it is a issue with the wiring to the harness but I am not sure.
And I thought I was going to start having fun tuning soon and I could start thinking about rear mounted turbos or the M62.
I am actually thinking of just getting a harness from DIY and wiring everything direct. Ya I know this opens up a whole new box of fun.
Oh Well Just frustration on my part here.
Thanks for listening / reading.
Just get the flying lead harness for $70 or whatever and wire it in. It's so much simpler.
Trying to build a PnP harness for MS raises the level of difficulty by an order of magnitude.
I am one of the few who really likes the relay board. A lot of folks hate it but I can have the whole MS harness cleanly installed in the bay (less than a dozen wires) and Tunerstudio reading the sensors in an hour tops.
3/10/12 8:02 p.m.
Before you go any further do you have a stimulator? If not you might want one from DIYAutoTune, they help isolate problems very quickly. My buddy and I were correcting tach spikes on our 2.3T due to our low impedance fly-back injector circuit requiring a cleaner power signal and we managed to snick a diode along the way when testing. With the stimulator and Matt Kramer's help (MadScientistMatt on this board) we were able to diagnose and correct the problem. Half of all MS challenges are in the unknown due to it being a true 'stand-alone', just don't let that overwhelm you.
I am not overwhelmed just annoyed. After a good nights sleep I am digging in again to see where I am at.
I still may just go with a DIY harness.
No I don't have a stim. Up till now I did not need it but with the polarity screw up it is now looking like I will need it.
DIY Here I come.
So I read the title and think, "Well, yeah, Multiple Sclerosis sucks!" Then I think to myself, "Oh, he's having trouble registering a car in Mississippi or something, so that's probably not a surprise..."
I don't know what the berkeley you're actually talking about. I think maybe Mega Squirt.
Yes Megasquirt. After working on if for extended periods of time you forget that others may not know all the acronyms. I am sure everyone knows what at TIP122 is as well 
All you MS guys impress the hell out of me. I want to get into that one day when I have a project and money to pursue it.
Well things are looking much better. I spent the morning fiddling with it and got it back up and working.
I ended up having to re flash the cpu and going to a msq file from last august as it appears that my most recent map files were corrupted.
I ordered a stim from DIY so I Can simulate the ignition and take a look at the injector circuit's but at the moment all the sensors I can test on the bench have tested out OK. I even got the TPS wired up and calibrated. It was what I was doing when I screwed things up.
ultraclyde wrote:
All you MS guys impress the hell out of me. I want to get into that one day when I have a project and money to pursue it.
Read and re read the Megamanual like 10x for starters. This was a huge help. Heck if I don't have anything to do in the evenings I pull it up and go over it. Have a project in mind when you do start trying to learn about it. This is so you can focus in on your particular potential build. There are so many variants in the ignitions section alone you will get completely lost / screwed up if you try to absorb it all. I only really know EDIS based ignition with respect to Megasquirt. All the others are off my radar until I have a project that requires I learn it. The rest of it is not all that bad. Yes there are some choices but for the most part they are simple and easy to understand.
If I was starting out again I would start with a MS2 V3. MS 1 is really outdated. It works but compared to MS2 it really is out dated. You could argue that the other units that came along after the MS2 are better but if you are getting your feet wet with a basic MS build the MS2 V3 is the best bang for the $$$$. Microsquirt is just about the same thing as the MS2 just that it does not have as much expandability. On the plus side it comes assembled and its compact size is a plus if it is needed (think motorcycle). Then there is MS3. It is a fantastic devise but unless you really need all that it has to offer (and all the stuff you have to learn about) I would stick with MS2 V3. IT really is a fantastic value for the $$$$. Run the Extra code (I don't know anyone that does not) and have fun. I started because I wanted to learn more about EFI. I had no intent of actually embarking on a build at the time. But one thing led to another and here I am coming down the home stretch of a home built plug in to the existing wiring harness Porsche system. Go figure.
The bottom line is get in to it you don't need to spend any $$$$ to learn a bunch. The biggest problem I had was all the three letter acronym for various things. It made my head spin. Once I started to "get it" it really became fun. There is also a big community out there that is willing to help. And then there is DIY. They are a huge supporter of the products that helps fuel the MS community as well.
All is now good in MS world. I assembled the jimstim and tested everything out and all seems to be working perfect.
The JimStim is a great little devise. It takes about 2-3 hours to assemble.
Now back to testing things out through the wiring harness I have and then it will be time to put this in the car!!!!
dean1484 wrote:
Now back to testing things out through the wiring harness I have and then it will be time to put this in the car!!!!
congratulations! please keep us informed.