The F150 is still having problems when its wet out or I ford a flooded road. Today I was having a huge loss in power from the foot of snow on the ground splashing up just like when I drive through huge puddles, but being slush, it takes longer to go away.
The plugs and wires aren't old and don't appear to be bad. I've been thinking of replacing the distributor and because of the name I've been levitating towards an MSD unit. Specifically I'm looking at the model number 8455.

Has anyone had any experiences or have any better suggestions?
3/24/13 6:24 p.m.
I doubt putting a new distributor will help the situation. Check all of your electrical wires and connections. When we used to race in the rain, we sprayed down our electrical wires and components with WD-40 or something similar.
You mention a distributor, when's the last time it had a cap and rotor? I've found cleaning the cap inside and out with rainx works for a while as a temp fix.
1995 5.0. I'm not looking for a quick fix, Kenny. The engine has over 200k on it and I would rather replace the distributor. I'm also looking for a power improvement. I don't want a quick fix. I've been going over the wires and found one that popped onto the cap, so that may be the problem, but as I drove it some more the problem didn't go away. Very low power until I punch it, the truck drops gear and takes off. Not cool in snow.
EDIT: Oh, yea. The check engine will pop on and off, usually not staying on for a second or two, but in the snow, it has been staying on a few seconds longer.
DOUBLE EDIT: After some research, I'll look into cleaning up or replacing the EGR valve and/or it's sensor.
TRIPLE EDIT: And the O2 sensor.
Clean the throttle body also
Ford dizzies are pretty damn good stock, I think its just in need of a clean and tune
Probably. This is the first major issue this engine has given me. I may still look at upgrading something... I'll clean some E36 M3 up.
Seafoam is your friend 
Pull the air intake tube off the throttle body and spray it down well with carb cleaner
Will do. Also have a bottle of Seafoam in the back seat.
Then scan it, you will probably be looking at plugs and wires.
Its typical SBF behavior when these need a tune
Do the oil change after the Seafoam.
TFI ignition control unit?

Replace it...
Evened out after the heat was turned off....