Anyone have a quick solution? Was working on a mountain bicycle for a race tomorrow, successfully bled the front brake system. but as soon as I attempted to release the rear bleeder valve the nut just sheared off. The brake still grabs ever so slightly but not much.
Any solution short of drilling out the bleeder nut or replacing the whole caliper to get some half decent pressure in the system?
Thanks in advance!
Ps if there is no solution I'll just ride this one with the front brake and have my friend use my bike for the race (apparently only about 20ish miles in the woods in north jersey)
6/5/15 7:16 p.m.
You could possibly crack the line where it goes into the caliper if its a removable type brake line.
I've had to do it on various old callipers and wheels cylinders over the years. Its not always a perfect fix, but given your time constraint it may be enough to get you out of trouble.
Did the bleed nipple shear off flush? Or is there enough protruding that you might be able to grab it with some vice grips?
Alternatively, given bleed nipples are hollow do you have a fine easy out? You may be able to back it out with that?... Be sure to use a punch or even the easy out to tap the bleeder towards the calliper to try and jar the threads loose.
Good luck
Totally sheared off. Easy out is a thought, unfortunately I don't have a replacement nut. Was hoping there might be a trick to getting some air out of the line with only disassembling the lever end.
6/5/15 8:55 p.m.
Ouch, that's going to be a pita to sort out.
What brands your calliper? On my Hayes, there's a threaded fitting where the brake line goes into the calliper... your best shot notice shot would be to crack that open with your bike laying on its side so the bleader side is closest to the ground and the brake line becomes the high point on the calliper.
they have hydraulic brakes on bikes now???
Pull the wheel off jam a screw drive between the pads and twist pushing the pads back. untwist and leave the blade in between the pads pump up the lever so pads are squeezing the caliper and repeat this should help move the air to the high spot which should be you master. If you have a hand vacuum pump like a mitty vac you can help the air move by having a small amount of vacuum above the fluid.
To get out the broken bleeder use a left hand drill bit and a multi spline removal tool like the stubby Hannson