Okay, so I'm 98% done with the 5-lug swap on my '90 'vert.
The issue I've run in to is the front brake lines. I have foxbody russel stainless braided lines, and they're not mating quite right to the SN95 stuff.
On the SN95 Calipers, there's a ridge where the brake line mates to the caliper body; for those not familiar, the Mustang lines have a block at the end, that uses a banjo bolt to mate to the caliper. They're setup such that the ridge is on the top on the driver's side (making the line point down, towards the hub - not a problem), and up on the passenger side (straight into the wheel, big problem).
So, what's my best remedy here? My budget is already fairly stretched, so any parts I can avoid buying would be nice. Can I just take an angle grinder to those ridges? I really don't like the thought of it, and I know those things are there to keep the brake lines from rotating. I do have the rubber SN95 lines, but I don't cherish the thought of giving up my stainless lines, and I've heard that the chassis side of the SN95 and fox lines is a different size/thread-pitch/something, and not actually interchangable. I suppose I could also modify the existing lines, and try to mill down the size of the mating blocks so that they fit correctly, however I don't know the internals of the blocks, so I have no way of knowing if I'll nuke a fluid passageway.
Thoughts? Cheap parts? Ideas?
Thanks, guys.