The driver decided he wanted to come and play on the gravel in his Mustang, and captured some video of one of his runs.
I applaud the "Bring whatever and have fun" mentality these events had.
Full disclosure: I had two DNFs, so he beat me for the day =)
You can only go as fast as the surface and your tires allow you to go. If you go too fast, you'll lose time when you spin- like he did.
We have 2 regulars in our region who run V8 stangs, its always a mustang v rx7 battle amongst the various drivers.
That guy must hate the paint on his rockers.
Please tell me it wasnt an 03-04 Terminator Cobra.
fidelity101 wrote:
We have 2 regulars in our region who run V8 stangs, its always a mustang v rx7 battle amongst the various drivers.
I like how the Fox has Mazda badges on the hatch.
I went autocrossing once with my svt contour. I distinctly recall getting better times than at least one svt cobra mustang. Then again, I had a 3.0 liter Taurus engine instead of the stock 2.5. I forgot to mention it when I checked must have slipped my mind 
wow, is that course as smooth as it looks?
10/15/12 10:55 p.m.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
You can only go as fast as the surface and your tires allow you to go. If you go too fast, you'll lose time when you spin- like he did.
I'm not saying it was a bad performance or not right for the conditions just that the video looked slow like a lazy drive on a gravel road (until the spin)
Jaynen wrote:
Brett_Murphy wrote:
You can only go as fast as the surface and your tires allow you to go. If you go too fast, you'll lose time when you spin- like he did.
I'm not saying it was a bad performance or not right for the conditions just that the video *looked* slow like a lazy drive on a gravel road (until the spin)
Dont all autocross vids look like this?
BobOfTheFuture wrote:
Dont all autocross vids look like this?
It looked pretty fast to me, although most in-car video I see IS rallycross footage.
Proper camera location helps, as does a wide angle lens.
In reply to irish44j:
The course was smooooth in the morning. It was gravel over hard pack clay, not very much traction, but on the straight sections you could really get the speed up.
In the afternoon it got a bit more bumpy. I put a shot of a WRX catching some air in the Hotlink thread.
It was not a Terminator Cobra, just the regular V8 kind.
Where was this one held??
It was out at the Wilson Country Fairgrounds. There is another one November 4th in the same location.
Full calendar (almost done for the year, though)
Looks like that's the closest event now. I may try to catch one of the Wilson events b/4 the little ones get here.
Thanks for the info......
The drive isn't that bad, I do it in about 40-50 minutes from North Raleigh.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
It was not a Terminator Cobra, just the regular V8 kind.
Phew. I was worried for a second. I am seriously considering trading my Corvette for an 03-04 Cobra Vert, and they command stupid money and are stupid awesome.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
It was out at the Wilson Country Fairgrounds. There is another one November 4th in the same location.
Full calendar (almost done for the year, though)
oooohhhh, you guys have a pretty active-ish region. I always keep in mind where I apply to jobs for if they have a rallyX region nearby.
In reply to Brett_Murphy:
Im closer than that even. I can do wilson( hwy 42 and 264 ) in about 30min.Looks like I officially dont have an excuse now.
Come on out in November, I've already registered and paid.
I'm easy to find. I have the gold Forester and I look perpetually confused. I will take you for a ride along, if you want one. If you have a helmet, bring it, otherwise the club has loaners.
Another video of the event.
Not bad all things considered. Obviously a sn95 cobra, sounds great, still not sure why he would want to do this.