1/26/17 3:09 p.m.
I thought Subaru had taken care of this by the 2012 model year?
I noticed a burning oil smell when I drove home yesterday, and as it's been below 0 with no garage I waited till I got to work (that has a garage) to pull inside to check it out. Besides I had to replace a headlight bulb again. The oil pan, filter, and sway bar are covered in oil and dripping on the exhaust. Looks like I've lost close to 1/2 quart, and it was full when I checked about 500 miles ago. 2900 since the last oil change, Subaru oil and filter, 59000 miles on the car. It was -55F a few days ago, but has been warming up and will be almost 30F today. I haven't hit anything in the road.
Any ideas? 2012 outback 2.5i, 6spd manual.
Gonna try the Subaru dealer this afternoon and try to get in for service as I'm due to have the wiper motor cover replaced under recall anyway. Here's hoping it's covered as I bought it as a certified used car.
Sounds like a typical Subaru HG weeps. Not as common on newer models, but still a thing. Hopefully the dealer takes care of you.
That's new enough to have the oil filter buried up in the exhaust pipes, and its not unusual for the pipe to be too hot to get a hand in there to tighten it properly.
Not likely a head gasket. They seep, not LEAK.
1/26/17 5:39 p.m.
I checked the oil filter and it seemed tight enough. I also waiting till it cooled down to get s good grip on the bugger when I changed the oil last, at least I think it did.
Side note, why the heck they put the oil filter and the headers like that is beyond me. Then again, why would you design a car so you have to go in through the fender to replace a damn headlight bulb... maybe it was the same shiny happy person doing the design?
Oil pressure sensors in top of the heads are known to leak. On top front for the deiver side and rear on passenger side. Or as tou said, Hg
1/27/17 9:54 a.m.
skierd wrote:
It was -55F a few days ago, but has been warming up and will be almost 30F today.
There's your problem right there. -55F yikes!
skierd wrote:
Side note, why the heck they put the oil filter and the headers like that is beyond me.
Because engineers are stupid and evil.
Inclined to think the HG is not the issue as that seems rather sudden.
With the exception of the oil sounds almost like CV boot ripped and spit the grease everywhere.
HG is easy enough to see from underneath, did you look up near the header, to see if it was seeping there?
1/27/17 4:01 p.m.
To me it looks like it's coming from the oil pan, not the heads. Not gonna lie and say I investigated too terribly hard as it's under warranty thanks to buying it certified.
edit - Thanks to help from a Subaru friend who knows what to look for, there's oil coming from the oil pressure sender for sure and somewhere else under the engine.
2/4/17 12:41 a.m.
Dropped the battle wagon off at the shop last night; I couldn't take the burning oil smell anymore. Survey says... head gasket and front main seal. Thank you warranty, and just in time to basically cover most of the 60k service too. 
After 17 yrs as a dealer mechanic I realized engineers are paid to make things fit, not necessarily be serviceable. That realization didn't seem to stop me from mumbling unfriendly words towards them tho.
2/9/17 8:07 p.m.
Picked the Subie up today. Head gaskets, front & rear main seals, timing belt, and oil pressure sender were all replaced due to leaks. Plus the airbag recall and the wiper motor cover recall.
Any advice on how to keep the head gaskets and mains from doing this again in another 60k when I'm out of warranty?