and I just feel like venting....
My pearl white G20 was parked in front of the building I work at when it was hit. Thankfully, I wasnt inside it, I was at my desk working away like a good little worker bee. The pics below are what I saw about 20 minutes after the wreck ocurred when I was informed about what had happened.
So, most of us park along the street here, as the offstreet parking is a long walk away, behind the building which has offices attached to a couple dozen thousand square foot warehouse/factory space. This is a legal, marked parking area, on a 25 mph street. I typically feel pretty safe parking there as the only people who drive down this street are there for business. Otherwise it gets very little thru traffic.
A new tenant has recently leased half of our building that was vacant for a few years. They operate a delivery service that uses box-vans to load and unload at docks. The drivers often miss our driveway since its kinda hidden until youre right up on it.
On this particular day, this driver misses the driveway. Today, rather than proceeding a block further south,and turning around in the cul-de-sac like they usually do, he just throws the van into reverse on the roadway, and attempts to back up into the driveway. He proceeds to back up and onto a Hyundai he doesnt see behind him. The cops arrive to write up the accident. This all occurs in the southbound lane of the road, almost right in front of where my car is parked on the northbound side.
While the cops are already there for the van-on-compact violence, the guy in the Galant who is parked behind me goes to leave for his lunch break. I assume he was busy gawking at the accident, and fails to notice the oncoming F-150 coming up behind him on the northbound side. The F150 smacks him in his drivers front fender while the Galant is about 45° to the curb pulling out from behind me. This forces his passenger front fender into my drivers rear fender, pushing my G20 up against the curb.
The F-150 bounces off the Galant, into the Van already there, then ricochets off the van into a Kia parked in front of me, hard enough to push it up onto the sidewalk, pretty much totaling the Kia (how he manages to do that on a 25 mph street is a whole other mystery unto guess is he claims unintended acceleration...ZOMFGFORDTRUCKSGONNAKILLUS).
So this leaves my car with a nasty bruise to the fender-al region, a bumper offset a good 6 inches to the right, broken exhaust due to the shift, a CEL from the exhaust not functioning properly, a scuffed drivers rear wheel from some wheel on wheel lovin, a scuffed passengers rear wheel from the curbage, and a speed-relative sound coming from the rear axle (im thinking one/both hubs need replaced due to the impact with the curb) ...
This is a 1999 car with 166k on the clock. She has her share of scars and age marks. But I own her outright. I know the complete history of the car. My MIL was the first owner, I am the second. Its only ever gone to one shop for repairs that I myself didnt do. She runs like a friggin champ...leather, sunroof, Bose sound, Cold air, ABS...A great all around DD. Blue book on an excellent example is south of $4k, and this one isnt excellent. Bubbling in both rear arches, typical rock damages to the finish on the front end, a softball sized ding in the passenger fender...aesthetically theres some room for improvement, but shes still in great shape where it counts.
I got a few estimates from local body shops the other day - between $2k and $2500, and thats in the finish alone, not taking into consideration the mechanicals (exhaust, hub, frame etc). Mechanical damage will be suppliments to the original claim.
Today, the insurance estimator came and gave me a lowball at $1900. He actually seemed pretty cool. I talked with him a bit, told him about the things I new about the damage, and told him I really like this car. He was honest, and told me that if he was able to accurately estimate the damage to the axle or exhaust or frame that he couldnt see, the total for repairs would easily total the car. But he told me I was in luck because leaving that stuff out because he cannot see them to make an accurate estimate, the bodywork was only $1900 (close enough to the estimates I got to make me happy), which doesnt total the car in their eyes. The check will be enough to get the work started. Once the work us underway, the repair shop will sub out the mechanical stuff, and they will then go back to the ins company with supplemental claims to cover the mechanical stuff.
Its not going to be a perfect match...Nissan paint code QT1 is notoriously difficult to match. Luckily, both body shops I talked to said that with the lines of the car, its likely they can fool the eye enough to keep it from looking too far off.
I guess thats enough of a novel. Im just pissed this happened. In the long run, no one was injured (a testament to modern safety), so thats great. ANd the fact that while my car was smack in the middle of all the carnage, it was the least affected (I think both the Galant and the Kia are totals, if not the F150). But the inconvenience is going to be a pain. Who knows how long the repairs will take. And the ins company stated they only allow for economy rentals during damage repairs...though I think theres a statute in Ohio that a rental must be of a similar type to the original...meaning my "luxury sedan" (term used loosely ) should be temporarily replaced in like fashion....I may be mistaken on this. I did some interwebbing, and the results are mixed.
Either way, just wanted to vent, and maybe get advice/opinions from the peanut gallery. If youre still with me at this point, thanks for reading...