Eh, almost forgot..if any of you Mazda Rotorguys are interested, I think I still have a couple of the old Entex 1/20th scale RX-2 kits laying around on my "Shelf of Doom". I'll probably never build them, since I'm now thinking about 1/12 for individual cars and 1/24 (or 25th) for dioramas. I'd rather see one of you guys build one instead of putting them up on eBay for another "collector" to hide away for another 15yrs.
Send me a PM, and I'll try to dig them out of my pile of crap.
On the glue, I actually still use the Testor's for the big stuff (assembling the body to chassis, wheel halves, etc) but I do prefer a proper CA for attaching trim, emblems, and what not.
I would NOT however use CA on this model! CA will "frost" clear plastic, turning opaque, and thus ruining the intention of this kit. Testor's (and others) sell a special type of glue just for scale "glass" and clear plastic. Use that instead. In fact, I've actually started using that stuff on more than just clear parts as it works so well.
PS - I couldn't tell if the rotary-hate post was tongue-in-cheek or not, but I never pass up a chance to talk about one of the cars I wish I never sold 
P71 wrote:
I would *NOT* however use CA on this model! CA will "frost" clear plastic, turning opaque, and thus ruining the intention of this kit. Testor's (and others) sell a special type of glue just for scale "glass" and clear plastic. Use that instead. In fact, I've actually started using that stuff on more than just clear parts as it works so well.
DOH! I forgot all about so much of that kit being clear! You're right..I was thinking of every part I'd ever sanded, primered, and painted.
Woody, CA for the colored parts, listen to what P71 says about the clear ones.
EDIT: P71, Mazdax605, got your PMs. Lemme see if I can find the damn things. I'm not off work for another week, might take a minute (no lights in the storage shed). You got your claims in, y'all get first bite.