And the answer is MIATA (parts)...
I've wanted to do this for a while, and now that I don't have a car to play with, but still have spare parts...
- Old Miata engine block
- 4 old Miata cam shafts
- Wood boards from the basement
- Lexan top from the dumpster (architecture firm moved offices and threw out a lot of good stuff)
- Old shelving rails
Net cost $0.00 + 4 hours of cleaning and painting.
Very nicely done. I like it but wonder if you could use the block as more than just an anchor. The thing I loved about the Rover V8 version was the wine bottles in the cylinders. know I just realized I have a good Miata block with a bad crank (early 1.6, go figure) and some free time on my hands.....
I was originally going to use the block as the main table, but it would have been too low. However, I may add some lights in the cylinders in the future, but that would break my "free" budget 
CGLockRacer wrote:
I was originally going to use the block as the main table, but it would have been too low. However, I may add some lights in the cylinders in the future, but that would break my "free" budget
DUDE! Candles in the bores FTMFW!!!!!
Do you have pistons still? I think the standard 4 connecting rods welded to the block with pistons supporting the glass looks best.
I have to agree about the block, cool table but could be so much more :P
Some kind of spacer from the head bolt holes to lift the table?
Alright you berklyer's, now you made me do it. 
Actually, I forgot about pistons and rods I had. They now support the center of the table, so I was able to get rid of the rails, and it looks much better IMO. Thanks!
New pictures at the same link above.

Very nice. Stronger table now too :P
8/1/09 8:59 p.m.
Wow, that looks great. I didn't see the original, but it looks awesome with the pistons holding up the glass.
Now I want one, too. Might go see what the junkyard has 
You sir must be single. As cool as I think that is I can't imagine any woman I have ever been with allowing me to put that in the living room. And when you do get married I have a pretty good idea what the first garage sale item will be. Good job though!! 
8/2/09 8:15 a.m.
You can tell her it's avant garde, and industrial, and that all the trendy folk have them
feedyurhed said:
You sir must be single. As cool as I think that is I can't imagine any woman I have ever been with allowing me to put that in the living room. And when you do get married I have a pretty good idea what the first garage sale item will be. Good job though!!
you, sir, have a cynical view of women...
my girlfriend likes the top gear table, and I will have one in our house...she also wants an MGA Twin Cam, and we autocross together....
maroon92 wrote:
feedyurhed said:
You sir must be single. As cool as I think that is I can't imagine any woman I have ever been with allowing me to put that in the living room. And when you do get married I have a pretty good idea what the first garage sale item will be. Good job though!!
you, sir, have a cynical view of women...
my girlfriend likes the top gear table, and I will have one in our house...she also wants an MGA Twin Cam, and we autocross together....
feedyurhed, yes, I am'd ya guess? LOL
maroon92, does your gf have a cute single sister? 
Wait a're single and you still bought that couch????

Looks great. 
In reply to JFX001: from my parents home :)
CGLockRacer wrote:
In reply to JFX001:
Nope...FREE from my parents home :)
once a GRMer always a GRMer
Feedyurhed wrote:
You sir must be single.
You just need to find the right woman. My wife has been sketching a Subaru flat 4 table for years. Just need to find the proper way to get some height from it. 
Feedyurhed wrote:
You sir must be single. As cool as I think that is I can't imagine any woman I have ever been with allowing me to put that in the living room. And when you do get married I have a pretty good idea what the first garage sale item will be. Good job though!!
yeah, I showed my wife the table, her exact words were, he's single and no. @#$@%!#$@ ooh well.
in my view, no woman should be able to TELL you outright NO. A proper relationship is give and take. My buddies girlfriend told him he couldn't get his pilots license even though he was 5 grand into it... My Girlfriends Mom told her step dad that when they got married he had to stop skydiving...he did.
men need some balls, my girlfriend will never tell me that I irrevocably CANNOT do something. on the other hand, I won't ever try that on her.
(rant off)
New Reader
8/3/09 10:55 p.m.
maroon92 wrote:
in my view, no woman should be able to TELL you outright NO. A proper relationship is give and take. My buddies girlfriend told him he couldn't get his pilots license even though he was 5 grand into it... My Girlfriends Mom told her step dad that when they got married he had to stop skydiving...he did.
men need some balls, my girlfriend will never tell me that I irrevocably CANNOT do something. on the other hand, I won't ever try that on her.
(rant off)
right there with ya but then again that maybe why I'm single again 
I have a buick (or is it an Olds?) 350 short block in my basement...
As long as it didn't leak my wife would let me have one in the livingroom. She showed me a house near by with the mailbox on top of two crankshafts welded together and asked if we had any out in the garage.
I have a trashed 12A rotor and housing. Too small for a table. What do you guys and girls think? Paperweight? Lamp base?