My original plate was carried over from my Sentra:

I first got this plate when I bought my 2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R new:

I then transferred it to my turbocharged, 300 hp '06 Spec V, on which it was even more appropriate (it was a rocket):

But now I needed something more appropriate to the FoRS. So without further ado, I present my new plate:

Yes, I know it's majorly corny, but it makes me giggle every time I see it, much like driving the car does. And isn't that the point of owning these machines?
Do you know stuff about the Star Wars trilogy? If not, brush up. Those nerds are going to be all over you, asking if you LARP, SWD&D, mini, and catan. Plus all the other stuff like "did Han shoot first?"
The Star Wars nerds and general public won't get it, but for the car guys, it's cool (ok, maybe a little goofy, but cool).
I love it, and Han shoot first no question.
12/9/16 10:27 a.m.
This Star Wars nerd approves.
Car/Star Wars nerds will definitely get it. This one does.
Well played sir! 
That's twice as cool as it seemed at first. Then you see the frame and bam!
Wonder how many will get the actual plate is the car nomenclature.