thrusday late afternoon i was coming home from running aorund and doing thigs and seen a neat lettie truck for sale.....i have not really wanted a truck but for some reason this one just kinda grew on me very quick....
i took it for quick test drive and quicly talked a price that quick.....i went to pickit up after work around 3:30pm on friday afternoon. the onwer had 8 people who called about it that wanted to by the truck and someone else was parked in the driveway when i pulled up....the guy was bummed when i showed up to pick it up though. the owner kept his work to sell it to me and i showed up about 15 mints after he called to ask whats going on..had to stop by the back one the way from work to his place...3 miles i think....about a mile and half back to my place to get the truck home....
here is the details of my new red neck toy...some mey say it to small to be a real readneck truck though..but i just have to its not a bad little ride....just not sure what the hell i was thinking when i really wanted a amc car or meybe a dodge of sometype....and here i by a damn bowtie....sigh
a 1994 chevy s-10 with a 4.3 6banger, auto, good air and nice cd stero for balsting county muisc to annoy people with...the read sliding window and its white....the weird thing its 2 wheel drive with a 2inch lift kit and 31 inch mud tires and a push bar up front.....?
really nice thing it seems to have a class 2 hitch on the back which i need to tow the stock car to find a dolly to haul with.
179,000 or so miles and waled home with it for $1450
needs a exhust and a front brack line that the onwer hs ordered and just have to wait to see if comes in.custom order for the lift kit thing. going to do a tune up and oil change also and just need to get plates and good to go in the next couple of week.
7/24/11 12:13 a.m.
Looks pretty clean. I think you've got a way to go before reaching red neck status with it.

Yeah, not really Red Neck. Too clean. But the 2wd/off-road mod combo is a bit confusing, unless it is for a Pre runner build. Either way nice score and have fun.
Nice score! you sound really excited- just like me when I get a new toy. 
, but keep a close eye on the cab corners.
The Pre-runner setup is a really nice touch.
I miss my 95, but the family had outgrown it.
this would be my 3rd mini truck though....i have had a few full size but i could not find anything in the past few weeks that really didnt need tons or work or just appealed to me. this one for some really stupid reason i seen in and turned around and went back to look at it and said i would buy in about 15mints.....not sure what i was thinking when i really wanted a car though.....i was really wanting something from the red white and blue...i would have liked to even find an old 70's ford truck even before buying one more i have two......there really must be something very wrong with me since i really am a amc/mopar fan....the first chevy was all i could find for a track whore.....this one i just can figure out why i got it..sigh...i will just give up and drive the damn thing for to go print up the sticker for the race car and meybe this one....
could not find an amc
cant afford a dodge
hate ford
forced to own a bowtie.....
if that does not annoy the chevy fans i know i dont know what will. as for the prerunner idea myself....just going to live with for redneck for it being to nice...give it time.....besided, i needed something that good gas for a backup car also when the subby is in the shop.
thanks for the comments guys.
when it comes to me being exited about cars....its the main thing to look forward to in life when no one ever wants to do anything....there is also one comment someone had in thier tag line....
cars...drugs would have been cheaper and i would have had something to show for it....
oldtin wrote:
Looks pretty clean. I think you've got a way to go before reaching red neck status with it.
Colorado tags? I'm surprised.
CA, AZ, or anywhere in the south I wouldn't be 
Just get some big ass mud flaps and label them red and neck. You'll be set.
That's too nice to be redneck. You need a few layers of mud on top of many dents and at least one panel in primer. Also, you need to accessorize. The grille guard is a start, but it just doesn't go far enough.
Red is right. About 20 lights, add the roof rack, lift it five more inches. Leave those tires on the front, get monster truck mudders. A nice song-playing air horn, and stacks. You need stacks...
Your pictures are less headache-enducing than your writing. Nice new toy.
sorry lof8 for my typing skills suck and i know..i always forget to edit and never seem to find the damn spell cheker anyway...sigh....
just got the plates and tital taken care of this that was almost $300 bucks....damn..
i do plan on a few things for it like driving lights and fog lights and adding my cb into the truck. thinking of one of those music horns that plays the genral lee theme....
but that white is making think of adding some blue to parts to go with something different for some really off the wall theme....or just paint it up using the xero fighter theme and call it the admiral yamoto or something....
that thing won't even be in the same area code as "redneck" until you bolt the body to a late 70's Blazer 4X4 chassis that has at least 6" of suspension lift and a set of 40" tires.. even then, it's too shiny and pretty..
Agree. That truck fails the red-neck test. Especially with those white tail light covers. A sparkly blue faux bull bar doesn't help.
Now mudflaps, plastic itty-bitty testicles, and some stupid bumper stickers might help you qualify.
and Calvin pee-ing on, anything.
holy christ my brain hurts