Looks like my offer is going through, my new shop sits on 1 acre, has a 5 bay garage, then a workshop around 30 x 100 two 10" roll doors, office and nice concrete floors, it also has a residence which is part restored.
My 7 projects and my 4 work vehicles now have a proper place to reside in one central location.
Now to find a hoist, wheel balancer and tire mounter.
No more wrenching in the snow for this puppy.
I guess being jealous, envious, and happy for someone elses fortune all at once is possible...congrats...you lucky bastard (that was only half lighthearted due to noteable overtones of jealousy and envy that I only barely tried to hide
) My 2 car is full of crap that I cant seem to get myself to throw away...If I wanna wrench I have to push the car 1/2 out in order to be able to get to my bench. I hope the concrete in your new garage is really cold
Ha ha just kidding...except not really...but kinda
Settlement went through today, now to move all this E36 M3 over there. Now I can get serious
3/6/09 7:38 p.m.
Pictures or it's all made up! 
Here is the listing
New Reader
3/6/09 8:00 p.m.
Sheesh. I could almost buy that in cash- in Hawaii that doesn't buy you E36M3.
I guess the down side (depending on your priorities) is that you have (get?) to live in Ohio.
3/6/09 8:11 p.m.
Nice, very nice. You even get to finish it the way that you want.
I couldn't even begin to find that kind of deal here in central Ohio.
$60k, eh? That'd be at least three times the price here. Congrats!
This area is so inexpensive its awesome, now I get to work on the house (and finish it as I want), have workspace for all seven of my projects, store my tools and equipment, separate my business from my home, maintain my 4 DD vehicles and look for a boat.
I need a lift, wheel changer and balancer, and some other equipment as I find good deals.
The house has three bathrooms, 4 bedrooms and a study, bigger than it looks
3/6/09 9:21 p.m.
Wow, nice place at a great price. With the Aussie governments1st home buyer grant, I'm looking at crappy single bedroom apartments costing more than that. It's all relative, of course.
Luke I used to have a nice home in Rowville, Vic. I couldn't buy a parking space for that price then.
aussiesmg wrote:
I need a lift, wheel changer and balancer, and some other equipment as I find good deals.
After what you just pulled off, finding those items will be a piece of cake.
I just watched the property video. Professional sales video my ass. The dissolve from panning left to panning right cracked me up.
aussiesmg wrote:
I need a lift, wheel changer and balancer, and some other equipment as I find good deals.
It's a bit of a drive for you, but someone on the Lafayette, IN cl is selling all those items. I'd bet you could get a sweet package deal.
man you're out in BFE.
my new house is on an acre with a 26x32 pole built garage that i'm already plotting to add onto and it cost almost 2x that.
I started moving stuff out there today, two cars, a RX7 and the Stag in the larger door area, I could fit 4 more in that space alone, I guess I have room for about 16 cars under cover....
Tell me about the sale of equipment in Lafayette, by the way that's next door for me...lol
You guys crack me up. I live in the SF Bay Area and that wouldn't even be 25% of the DOWN PAYMENT on a property like that out here unless you were so far out in the central valley that you'd need plane ticket to find civilization!
Fark thats cheap! You cant even rent a room in a crackhouse here for that. I woulda bought it too!
ww wrote:
You guys crack me up. I live in the SF Bay Area and that wouldn't even be 25% of the DOWN PAYMENT on a property like that out here unless you were so far out in the central valley that you'd need plane ticket to find civilization!
My sister is in the SF Bay area and looking for her first house. All the listings she can afford are in an area known as the "murder dubs". I am not sure what that means, but it doesnt sound good!
3/9/09 5:53 p.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
My sister is in the SF Bay area and looking for her first house. All the listings she can afford are in an area known as the "murder dubs". I am not sure what that means, but it doesnt sound good!
Unless you don't like dubs.
Nice free load of dirt with purchase , was gonna say paint the floor before you move in . Congrats
That is a pile of stone, will be spread generously 
The house was free in my mind, 1 acre, two large garages that fit 15 cars, that is worth the buy in.
5 cars moved in and most of the parts, even some tools are out there now, about three or four loads to go. Damn it's a mess though, stuff all over the floor. I will need to build some racks I guess. 
God it was a pain in the ass moving my shop 6 months ago. I lucked out tho, my sister-inlaw was working out regularly and bragging about how fit she is, I told her to put her $ where her mouth is and help me. Her ego wouldnt let her slow down ar stop. I worked her like an in sert stereo type here.
My entire shop I had been working in for 8 years along with 3 cars in parts and 30+ years accumulated tools and equipment was moved in 2.5 days. If you send me enough horse tranquilizers I will box her up and send her to you.
Dayumn. How far past the sunshine pumps is that place? $60k around here gets you concrete block and you have to scuttle around below window height so the crack dealers will miss you.
Jensenman wrote:
$60k around here gets you concrete block and you have to scuttle around below window height so the crack dealers will miss you.
Ain't that the truth.
back on topic. I wouldn't mind a place like that with some land to make a small farm and have a really sweet shop for making insane mechanical things.