Well the Geo was written off, and I sold the sprint turbo to my sister, so to keep the metro/sprint/swift vibe going we bought this:
I bought it from my school shop teacher for $1200 and it came with konig helium 15"s front and rear struts bars, front and rear sway bars, the nice reccaro seats, and the incredible g13b engine.
The engine is currently making around 125 on the butt dyno, based on it having race ground cams, kalmini? header, 3 inch pipe all the way back and a ssgti under drive pulley, and toms rally chip. This thing is loud, and so so smooth coming from that 3cyl abomination (I keeed I keeed).
It also has a short shifter and as you can see it was dropped nice and low. This is my first car that can be considered nice, and at the young age of 17 i am pretty proud of it.
Next up:
With the blue vert being written off, myself and my father are going to take this:
91 autotragic vert, and add this:
5speed, turbo 3cyl engine.
just thought i would let y'all know.
Why do I read these threads? You've just sentenced me to Craigslist for hours searching for one of these.
6/17/09 12:16 a.m.
Way cool
. I bet it's a hoot to drive.
Great price, too!
My friend with this:
Thinks his car is superior. Huh.
Rental car or autocross car?
6/17/09 1:41 p.m.
Appleseed wrote:
Why do I read these threads? You've just sentenced me to Craigslist for hours searching for one of these.
If you can find a clean geo shell, I have a complete turbo sprint like the blue one above that has rusted out floors that would make a good donor for a very rare canadian spec turbo sprint.
6/17/09 1:45 p.m.
geomiata wrote:
My friend with this:
Thinks his car is superior. Huh.
Rental car or autocross car?
It depends on what you're looking for in a car. I think most people here would rather have your sweet looking swift gti, but most people who are not car people 'need' things like power windows, auto trannys, sound deadening, etc.
Take him to an autox and let him find out which car is superior.
Well the turbo is now home and we are off to Vancouver to pick up the vert