I'd appreciate the collective wisdom of the board for my next daily driver choice.
Daily Driver Background: I've got three kids (13,16,18, the latter two drive our "leftover" 1999 and 2002 Odysseys with 200K miles on them), my wife (2011 Odyssey), and me (just sold my 2003 Mini). My parents (84 and 85, with a 2008 Civic and just sold a 2003 Accord because they don't need it anymore) just moved to a retirement condo building and I'm hustling them around more and more often--that's one of the reasons I sold the Mini. When I hustle them around now, I just grab a minivan from the rest of the family. I parallel park every day and loved that the Mini would take spaces that other cars wouldn't--it's five feet shorter than a minivan, for example.
Fun Car Background: I own an embarrassing number of cars that range from a 1906 Ford Model N to a 2006 Elise. If you've seen my stories in GRM or CMS, you've seen many of these cars. There is a concentration of British, pre-war Ford, and low-end German and Italian mixed in. Some are restored classics, some are sports cars, some are modified. I like to buy DD cars in the $10K range and drive them into the ground (the Mini was an exception--sold it while it was still worth something) so I can spend more money on fun cars. I autocross with my son. His fun car/autox car is an S52-powered E30, and I have been running the Mini, a Lotus Seven, or an MGB. Next year, I'll likely be running the Seven or the Elise, but wouldn't rule out the DD.
I feel like I'm setting myself to be the poster child for first world problems, so if you're reading any guilt into this, you're correct. At any rate, you'll see we're a Honda family, so I'm thinking either a 2006-2010 Civic SI for 10K (plus or minus 2K) or a 2013 Civic SI (for 20ish). The newer model's styling doesn't do as much for me, but it may be a better long term choice. I've also thought about a Focus, an E46 BMW (for less money, and not keep is as long), that's about it. Four doors are a must have and I live in Michigan, so it's got to be good in the snow on Blizzaks. I've never had 4WD/AWD and don't really want to start now.
What do you think?
As someone who just blasted around on semi-icy roads in a Fiesta ST with the stability on and Blizzaks grabbing for all their might, with a HUGE smile on my face and laughing all the way (Ho Ho Ho Ho) then ran my daughter to school, picked up my son at daycare (car seat) then dropped my parents off at the airport in the same car, then did a quick highway blast followed by the long way home (twisty road) because the car is so fun...I can recommend the Fiesta ST in that price range.
Mazda3 would be my pick. The newer Focus ain't bad but the feel of the cloth material used on the seats is not very nice.
So, you are dropping the Mini as a daily to pick up something used with four doors and relatively cheap and sporty.
I have a 2004 E46 BMW (330i ZHP) and a Focus ST. They are both pretty decent for hauling people around, but the Focus is a little smaller in the rear seat. The Focus is a better autocrosser in stock form IMO because the BMW has too much understeer that isn't easily dialed out without squaring the wheels up. I would get a Focus ST over a Civic SI if you want more fun, but for reliability I'd probably choose the Civic.
12/3/14 10:16 a.m.
You can't go wrong with a Civic, Si or not. There's another Honda alternative which doesn't get as much love as I expected. The Fit Sport, with a stick. You won't believe how much space & fun that's packed into that little shoebox. 
The Fit just got some rave reviews in a Motor Trend article I read. Says it has a ton of space for cargo hauling because of the way you can stow everything. Also comes with 6 speed manual.
12/3/14 10:28 a.m.
In reply to Harvey: We've put nearly 100K miles on ours. It's fun, it hauls a huge amount, and has a shocking amount of leg room for the back seat. It's a 5-speed.
I was hoping the new model with a 6-speed would have more of an overdrive ratio for the freeway. But from what I've read, it has the same gearing in 6th as I have in 5th. It does sound a little buzzy at times, but the great sound system which came in the Sport model cancels out the buzz. And God knows, the high RPM will never hurt that motor.
I had a 2012 Focus and a 2011 Mazda2 in the fleet at one time and the Mazda did most things the focus did but better. For example, the rear seat of the Focus was useless with my driving (6'2") but the Mazda was marginally better. I attributed this to the upright seating. The Fiesta I recently test drove (3 cylinder Ecoboost) was similar to the Mazda. If I were looking at cars right now, I would either skip the compact category (Focus) and head up or down in size. I thought the Ecoboost Fiesta was a hoot and they are available new from 16k (listed on my local dealer's website). Take that with ST suspension and have 40 mpgs with 90% of the fun of the ST for $6k less.
I came to say ZHP and see that it was already noted. One of the children will gladly purchase it (and toos Turner Motorsports bits onto it) once it's completed it's service to you
New Reader
12/3/14 11:58 a.m.
I had an 07 Si for about four years. It's a great car and quite a bit of fun to throw around. Very neutral handling and a nice LSD to put the power down. However, while the engine is awesome it really needs revs to come into its own. It's best between 6K and 8K. Hard to get there very often on the street, unless you live in a fairly rural area. For in town commuting I felt I rarely got to enjoy the engine.
12/3/14 12:09 p.m.
In reply to DLC: Yes, needing to keep the needle high on the tach has been an issue with a lot of Hondas. That was my biggest problem with the NSX & the S2000.
But operating at high RPM has never seemed to hurt durability. And Hondas typically get good enough gas mileage that you don't pay a huge gas penalty for late shifting.
New Reader
12/3/14 12:29 p.m.
I was never worried about durability. It's just that in town you might be able to wind it out in first gear but then you are at or above the speed limit!
And as much as I love the FiST, have you sat in a new Golf? Man are they nice. WAY more room inside than the Fiesta of course, and more than the Focus too I would guess. Very premium feel to them and very practical and the GTI is a no brainer.
Thanks guys, keep the suggestions coming!
12/3/14 12:55 p.m.
since you like Hondas how about a TSX with a 6-speed?
I'd go with a Fit instead of a Civic Si. More space, more utility, cheaper buy-in, and nearly as much fun. Not a great highway car, but for around town they can be pretty entertaining. For the price premium a Civic Si would command--- IMHO there are several cars that offer a better driving experience. ( Mazda 3, Volvo C30, Focus, WRX, etc )
New Reader
12/3/14 2:06 p.m.
Infinity G35/37? rwd, 4 doors, big back seats, stick shift...
Fit, regular Civic/SI or TSX would get my vote. How about a stick shift Mazda 5? It would be easier loading passengers in and out of the back.
I too vote Honda fit. I've owned all generations. Terrific cars, I have gotten 52mpg over a mountain pass and not hyper miling. Plus if you get the sport auto trans, you get flappy paddles to play with so even idiots can use it, and then you can put it in sport mode for manual fun!
12/3/14 2:52 p.m.
In reply to Trackmouse: Yes idiots can use an automatic. I read or hear about car-jacks & car thefts that failed pretty often. Why, what could go wrong? The idiot thief couldn't drive a stick! In fact that very thing was on our local news again last night.
Bumping this for the Thursday crowd. Carl needs more cars.
Bumping because I'm in the same boat more or less (except I only have 1 car :) )
I have a ranger and hate that I don't have a car anymore. I think I can spend around 15k with the trade-in and looking for similar options. Would love something more fun than practical but still gotta be realistic at the end of the day
Okay, follow up question. Which one? 2008 Civic Si Sedan (blue), no mods, perfect, owned by very fussy person, 187K miles for $7K or 2009 Civic Si (black) Sedan, no mods except Exedy clutch and lightened flywheel, nearly perfect but not as nice, 70K miles for $11K, 2007 Civic Si Sedan (bronze), lots of mods, like short shift, exhaust, header, throttle body, 30K miles, as nice as the 2008, for $13K.
I think I know the answer for me, but I'm curious if you'll back me up.
Thanks for your help!
I would also look at a Mazda 6 if you happen to need extra leg room over a Civic or Mazda 3. I would have to check KBB to know which Civic is the best one.