2006 NC Miata, flushed the power steering out about a month ago as PM due to it having 95k miles.
Developed a small noise a couple weeks ago. Thought it was a belt chirp. Replaced the belt.
Indeed the belt was pretty well worn, new one went on no problems. As soon as it did the power steering started cavitating. Bled it out, I'll get it to bubble free. Then go drive it and we're back to square one. Loud cavitation.
No leaks anywhere. How is air getting into the system?
Sounds like the rack is full of air. I always have the weight off the wheels, turn the wheel lock to lock to lock like 3 times with the engine off, and then repeat with the engine running. Never had problem bleeding air out ever doing that.
Caviation? So it's turning to caviar? 
No but seriously the above procedure is correct for bleeding air out of the rack.
We were going crazy trying to bleed it. Even went as far as disconnecting the bolt to the hard line and topping it up from there thinking an air pocket was trapped since the reservoir was lower. It would quiet down and after you let it sit it'd go right back to being noisy. I drive it home and it quieted down after a bit of driving. This morning, noisy again.
I pulled it in the shop this morning and did it just like you mentioned. Quiet for now, hope it stays that way now.
No luck, no matter what I do to it, when it's cold it whines and you can see the fluid foaming. Drive it for awhile, let it get good and warm and the noise stops, fluid is fine.
The only thing I've seen was a notes on Honda Accords having the identical issues when the input shaft seals would go. Cold seals allow air to get sucked in, once the warmed and expanded it stopped and cleared itself.
Given that my noise coincided with a new belt having a bit more tension and putting just enough stress on the pulley and shaft, I'm thinking a new pump might be in order.
neckromacr wrote:
The only thing I've seen was a notes on Honda Accords having the identical issues when the input shaft seals would go. Cold seals allow air to get sucked in, once the warmed and expanded it stopped and cleared itself.
Was just gonna say it could be a leak, the fluid could be pooling in a rack boot where you can't see it. I once had a problem where my PS system was whining when cold (maybe only first minute of driving) and a leak was found soon after.
In reply to GameboyRMH:
We had it up on the lift. This has to be the dryest car I've ever owned. No leaks of anything.
That and the fluid level hasn't dropped at all.