Below are two pictures that I took. The first picture is of my 1983 Honda Civic and my Mom's (I got received it in 1993) 1988 Honda Accord. I took this picture in 1988. The second picture is of my 1979 Honda Civic. I took this one today (2012). Twenty-four years later. In the same driveway. I guess that's the cool part.

^^^ Same exact house, sir. Same exact pool is there along with deck around the pool.
4/8/12 9:32 p.m.
Man, that is taking me back a bit. My parents' first Honda was an '81 Civic 1500 DX, and their second was a 1989 Accord Coupe SE.
I was going to ask if the neighbors pool was still there! 
I love pics like that! Thanks for sharing. 
In reply to Duke:
Oooh, an SEi. Leather, Bose stereo, CUPHOLDERS and a CONSOLE ARMREST!. Oh the luxury.
/owns 5 86-89 Accords currently
Cool! My first car was a light blue '79 Civic wagon.
Reminds me of my across-the-street neighbors, they owned the lastest iteration Civic (usually in mom and dad pairs) since the late 70's until somewhere along the line bought one Accord and one Civic.
BTW, neet to see how the trees grew and new trees were planted etc. Plus new siding for the neighbors?
Excellent pics!
That remind me of the one I saw on the way home from work the other day:

My older brother had one as well (5-speed, bright red with white vinyl top). He loved it, other than the fact he couldn't keep headgaskets in it.