The 229,000 mile 454 in my '93 Chevy has been running on 7 or so cylinders for a while now. The known issue is that the exhaust manifold gasket leaks horrendously, which melts the front left plug wire. I've been procrastinating fixing this, as I don't drive the truck much, but I acknowledge it really needs to be done.
Saturday morning I get up with the sun to make the monthly trip to the local landfill. Garbage is all loaded from the night before, I fire the truck up, it starts and idles fine. Let it warm up for a minute while I get the recycling loaded, and head off. As I attempt to accelerate (the truck is a 5 speed manual transmission) it bucks and snorts in every gear. It seems down on power and doesn't want to go. Complicating this, as the truck bucks it's hard to keep a steady foot on the gas, which induces still more bucking, so I have to clutch, let the truck coast and settle down, then give it some gas (and it revs OK not in gear) slip the clutch, and try to gain some more speed.
This is really terrible and I contemplate turning around, but decide I can nurse it to the dump and back, and plug onward, at 45 mph in the light Saturday AM traffic.
15 minutes later, I get to the dump, and the truck is now, oddly, running better. Which is to say, like a 229,000 mile 454 with a burned plug wire. Dumped off the recycling and trash (didn't shut it off at all) and it drove home without bucking.
Part of me says, ditch the stupid TBI, carb it, put in an HEI dizzy and be done with it.
The other part of me says, it's a TBI, it ought to be simple to fix, and if I ditch it, I may lose some other stuff that still works ion the truck. The speedometer is electronically controlled, as is the cruise (which works) and I don't know about the A/C (which also still works).
Recently replaced the Idle valve solenoid on the side of the TBI, the fuel filter, and did an oil change.
Somewhat related, does someone reputable sell overhauled TBI throttle bodies? Being a manual trans truck I'm concerned this one may be due for an exchange. Also, when replacing the ide solenoid thing the tiny screws stripped out in the aluminum body, necessitating some "field expedient repairs".