12/12/18 10:59 a.m.
I need to get 18 or so year-end trophies for rallycross, and other than the local trophy shop I'm lost. I figure some of you out there have links to people you've used. Also wondering if I want something that goes on a shelf, or something monogrammed like a Thermos I got one year that just says "2012 WOR Rallycross Season Champion", and everyone gets the same thing.
Your thoughts?
Don't know your timeline or budget but I recently received a little Yeti mug with a logo on it that was nice. More useful than some of the other project tombstones I've received over the years too.
12/13/18 9:04 a.m.
In reply to dclafleur :
I've got about a month, and I think the previous chairperson said he spent roughly $10 or less per item.
I am proud to say that I have won a lot of useless crap racing sailboats but here is one I actually use:

Genuine Tervis mug. Probably not that cheap. The Yeti mug would be the more recent version of similar. Wont be cheap but seems substantial.
Another thing from sailboats is that everyone likes a picture of their own boat (car) in action. Do you have access to photos from events. Maybe picture and frame for 1st, 2nd, 3rd. To keep it simple, maybe the 1st placers get a specific photo of their car and all 2nd and 3rds get the same photo from an event that is representative of the sport. Be mindful to not give #2 a picture of #1's car.
I like the idea of a cup or the like that can serve as some sort of marketing device. I know if I saw someone drinking out of a rallycross cup I'd strike up a conversation about it.
So lessons to learn and opportunities for 2019
1) plan to get $15-20 purpose/useable trophy items that are customizable with logos
2) approach potential sponsors about sponsorship of the program and include the value of these retained trophies which could feature the representation of their brand for the right commitment level.
3) also see opportunity as it could pertain to program tee shirts as well. Sponsor pays for shirt production which features their logo in the design and funds from sales of the shirts can be used to purchase equipment for the program and/or catering for an awards banquet. Leftover shirts can be awards at banquet and or for volunteers that go above and beyond for the program.
AMEC, for their ice racing use photos of their car in action with name and finishing position.
This entails having a full time volunteer to take pictures of all entrants while on track.
Of course this doesn't help much in your case. A small trophy with a car on it and the recipients name and position.
We use these for other events. sometimes without name, just event and position.
If anyone has a Garmin virb or other system that maps the course as they run it you can have Izzy's custom cages map track map trophies that will feature the coursees run as well.
The helmet bags that we got some years back were very nice. And then when you go out of region and they pull your helmet to inspect it, they can be all "Third overall in the most obscure class ? Ph33r the skillz!"
12/13/18 1:29 p.m.
In reply to Knurled. :
Helmet bags? Fancy... I have the thermos and a small tool bag with 3rd MR embroidered, it's in one of my cars. Probably the xB.
Know anyone who blows glass? For a few years, I made the trophies for our local championship. And I also made them for a national convention that we hosted.
More art than typical trophy, so people are more likely to enjoy them
if willing to go eclectic and also having the time to put in some time with a saw, sander and staining, you can swing through a local habitat for humanity restore and see if they have any pewter or crystal pieces. then get some 1/4" floor trim and 4x4" cut down the 4x4 into 4x4x4 cubes and cut the trim to put around the bottom to create a base (sand and stain before assembling the base) the anchor the pewter and crystal pieces to the bases and bam, trophies.
Bolt old connecting rods to old trophy bases, add a little plaque and call it a day.
You don't need to get this fancy...

Or this and leave the piston off... Or not.

Or you could do what a certain region (not yours, or OVR) did and just sort of forget to give a trophy.
I did eventually get a very nice MR trophy in the mail, never did get the PF trophy I earned a year later. I was going for the trifecta in SA when my trans decided to throw up.