12/15/08 4:01 p.m.
Hey, you guys remember Kara and her blue Miata from the GRM Student Drivers article? Well Juliette (thats the name of the Miata) broke a rear spring (actually I suspect the tech who installed her new shocks overcompressed and damaged the left rear spring.) I was hoping somebody in FL might have a set of OEM rear springs (or maybe even just one) at a reasonable price. (I'm now kicking myself for GIVING AWAY a set of OEM springs earlier this year.) Since I live in Nashville now and spend most of my time on a tourbus, I'm not really able to deal with this for her. Shes in the Cocoa Beach/Merritt Island/Rockledge area but might be able to get someone to pick them up in the greater central FL area. Send me a PM or email me at mrwowak at yahoo dot com if you can help. Thanks in advance!

I'll be changing the stock springs out of my '97 shortly. How quickly do you need them?
I know I still have the suspension kit box that the Spec Miata suspension came in. It might still have the stock springs sitting in it, I'll have to check.
I'll be going up to Tampa on Wed. afternoon as well.
12/16/08 6:33 a.m.
i have some she can have but i'm down in Naples and have no time to transport them myself. if nothing else has worked out, she can have them for the cost of shipping. just email me if you want em.
You ever find what you needed?
1/1/09 11:07 p.m.
Uh supposedly she was going to contact bluej, but she hasn't told me if shes done so.
1/5/09 12:29 a.m.
Kara said she left bluej a voicemail about a week ago but hasn't heard anything, dunno if hes busy or travelling for the holidays, I'm just trying to get her a new spring (or pair of springs) as quickly as possible so she doesn't ruin a new shock. If anyone definitely has a rear NA spring (or a set) ready to go, email me: mrwowak at yahoo dot com.
1/7/09 7:29 a.m.
crap! i just remembered this! soooo sorry! between holidays, birthday, moving and a new job i've been kinda busy. makes a note for this
1/10/09 4:48 a.m.
Thanks man. I used to take care of her Miata for her, but now I'm out on the road and literally phoning it in. Her roommate sells toyotas but doesn't know a catalytic converter from a carburator, although she does get labor at a discount.
2/21/09 5:31 a.m.
Uh, I still need a rear spring for Kara's car. Her idiot roommate doesn't really believe me that the spring is cracked, he insists that needing to set the KYB AGX to 5 to keep the rear from bottoming out is normal. When I told him flat out that 2 is the same as stock, and that I routinely run my IDENTICAL Miata on 2 without it bottoming out, it went in one ear and out the other. I just hope his idiot friend who did the install is planning on buying her a new shock when this one fails prematurely.
Oh and Kara will be driving the car to Texas in May for Miataworld II so the clock is really ticking to get this taken care of.