Hey All,
Okay. I'm braced for worst case scenario. Something bad happened with the engine I just built. It's a 22RE Toyota. A little background...
The block came out of a truck, but went into my Celica. So I had a lot of parts. I put the wrong sender in for the oil pressure. The Celica is an ST, so it has no gauge, just a light. Short story- I haven't had any way to monitor oil pressure. There was plenty of oil in the head when I adjusted the valves, and it has a new pump, so I assumed (I know) that it was all working okay.
Engine was running. Running awesome, actually. I had a header leak. So last night I pulled it into the workshop, changed the oil and filter and installed the header gasket. Things had cooled off pretty much by the time I was done. I started the engine for a minute to make sure the oil filter wasn't leaking and to see if my header gasket was all sealed up- it was, btw.
I cleaned up my tools, got ready to pull the car out- wouldn't start. In fact, it wouldn't turn at all. Now, it's been cranking slowly, but it kicked over so fast it wasn't a real problem. I knew I had a cruddy looking ground cable, so i figured that was the problem. This morning I put a shiny new cable on it. The first time I tried to start it after that I heard a horrible noise at the starter. Sounded like it wasn't engaging the flywheel right. So I picked up a new starter (the one that was on the car looked pretty new, so I left it when I did the build). New starter on, still won't turn at all.
So, finally, I thought I'd put a wrench on the crank and turn it a bit to see if I damaged a flywheel tooth. I couldn't turn the engine at all. Couldn't budge it. Totally locked.
I'm assuming the worst- there was an oiling problem and there is something bad wrong. But I'm at a bit of a loss. There was oil in the pan, so the main bearings would washing around in oil, wouldn't they? And if a bearing welds itself to the crank, wouldn't that happen when it was running and hot? It's that short run after I did the work that has me confused. It started right up, ran for just a minute and shut down normally. The engine never made any bad sounds or gave any indication there was a problem.
I'll give it a few days then go pull the starter, all the accessories and the pugs and see what happens, but I don't think it will turn.
I'm into this car so deep there's no turning back. If I have to build another engine, I'll just have to do that. I guess I won't really know what happened until I pull it out and see. But anyone have any ideas based on this very long story?