I need a half drive impact tomorrow. I have sears, harbor freight, Lowe's, and Home Depot all local to me. Air or plug in is ok. I don't want a battery one. Budjet is under $300 but don't need the ultimate. I do need somthing the will take off big stubborn bolts so foot lbs of torque is important.
What to get and where to get it.
10/7/16 5:47 p.m.
Sears sells there branding of Ingersall Rand. Good price for a powerful composite impact.
Haven't tried a Harbor Freight unit myself.
I have been beyond pleased with my Harbor Freight Earthquake impact wrench. I'm usually a bit of a tool snob too. It works well and will bust some very stuck nuts loose. Crank pulley bolts with no holding tool are no problem.
Here: http://m.harborfreight.com/12-in-professional-air-impact-wrench-68424.html?utm_referrer=direct%2Fnot%20provided
As with most things HF, sale prices are to be had. I think I paid $80. That was about seven or eight years ago and it's still one of my favorite tools.
When you spell purchase "purchas" I read the subject in Cheech Marin's voice but I add a trailing ", mang" to the end of the sentence.
The new HF gun that they're comparing to Snap On and IR stuff interests me, might actually be nearly as good as they claim considering the reputation of their standard "Earthquake" gun.

I saw that 1/2" earthquake v. snapon comparison in the latest flyer. It's on sale too. Looks interesting.
I have two HF 1/2" guns. I use the short one (red, not "earthquake") for most things. It replaced the long nose one that was getting weak after a couple decades of use. I also bought a 3/4" HF gun that is GREAT. Used it extensively in taking the RAV4 suspension apart. Bolt laughs at the 1/2" gun? Swap to the 3/4". Done. The only thing it would not take off, ever, is the lug bolts on the Elise (RIP). I think that the powder coating on the wheels bonded the lug nuts to the wheels. It actually twisted the "key" tool to look like a licorices twist.
I would (and did) buy an Ingersoll Rand like this one:
Saturday delivery for $6. God I love Amazon.
I bought the red Harbor Freight Earthquake. It's a bad mamma jamma for the price, and it has held up to two years of fairly heavy hobbyist activity.
Totally satisfied.
10/7/16 7:13 p.m.
BrokenYugo wrote:
The new HF gun that they're comparing to Snap On and IR stuff interests me, might actually be nearly as good as they claim considering the reputation of their standard "Earthquake" gun.
Looks like this one has higher torque than anything that LoDepot offers. Also 300 lb/ft more than the regular "Earthquake" gun.
I've never had a problem with my ingersoll rand.
10/7/16 7:21 p.m.
The new 1/2" HF XT gun looks good. I handled one in the store and man it's light compared to my 20yo IR gun. I'll probably pick one up soon.
About fifteen years ago, I had something really, really stuck on my '65 Mustang. I don't remember if it was the harmonic balancer or something on the rear axle. I borrowed a one inch drive impact from a firetruck mechanic. It was massive. I probably didn't have enough CFM for it. It turned so slowly that I thought there was something wrong with it, but the frozen bolt came loose on the second Ping.

I think you can find the IR 2131Ti for this cheap since the new hotness is the extra quiet submodel (XQ?).
The HF gun is a joke, get the Ingersoll Rand part.
Heck, IR231s are like $130 now, they're two or three generations old at this point. The 2131 blows it away though.
Knurled wrote:
Heck, IR231s are like $130 now, they're two or three generations old at this point. The 2131 blows it away though.
Will they take an FD flywheel nut off?
I know you said no cordless so I'll make this brief-
I have a Milwaukee 18v 1/2" and it's all i use. I haven't touched my air gun in years.
It has taken off hub and crank nuts with no problem.
I'm sure that something would be too tight for it that one of the other guns described would work but if/when that happens, I'll just get out my 3/4" breaker bar.
I got mine in pieces brand new. $80 for gun and $40 for battery and $40 for charger all brand new from craigslist in 2 days.
It keeps a charge for months (I just used mine today after being out of town for over 4 weeks)
Plus it comes to the track with me and makes quick work of the lugs
Sorry, guess that wasn't terribly brief. You might have other reasons to not use one but maybe this could influence you one way or the other!
I have air impacts and a plug in electric Dewalt 1/2". FWIW, The Dewalt is my go to for heavily stuck things. It is just easier.
10/8/16 6:27 a.m.
IR231. The cheaper the IR gun, the tougher it is.
codrus wrote:
Knurled wrote:
Heck, IR231s are like $130 now, they're two or three generations old at this point. The 2131 blows it away though.
Will they take an FD flywheel nut off?
I can't say for sure, but mine has taken off a fb flywheel but and 2 fc flywheel nuts. My guess is that it would take off any rotary engine flywheel nuts.
Ditto, bought the DeWalt 20 volt. Haven't gotten out my air impact since then. But I have accidentally broken a few things with it. And I think it's in your budget or damn close.
Just a data point on the IR 231.
I bought mine as an upgrade from a cheapie Harbor Freight non-earthquake model. On the 'pro' side, it's pretty quiet, pretty reliable, and very easy to modulate torque--I have no reservations about using the gun to reassemble. There are a couple 'cons' though, the first one I noticed is that the gun is made in China, the second one I noticed over time is that it really isn't that powerful compared to friends' guns. It's a nice general use gun, but nothing special and I found plenty of fasteners it would not remove.
At the shop I help out at some times they have a Milwaukee 18 volt and it I ok. I have checked it against the torque wrench and anything over about 90 foot lbs and it can not get it off. Great tool for wizzing off small stuff and great for tire changes but you usually need a breaker bar to crack things loose and since I use a torque wrench for final tightening it I really handy to zip the lugs back on. You can not beet it for convince. Taking it to the customers car out in the lot is many times much easier than having to get the car close enough to get air.
However this will be for personal use. I have two compressors. So getting air where I need it is a non issue. The reason for the need ot now I I have to do son work on the wife's H2 just about everything on that thing I supersize compared to cars. I have an one IR that I have had for 30 years and it still works but I bet over 40 foot lbs and it is usless. So because of the H2 needing some suspension work I figured it is a good excuse to finally get a better tool. I am leaning towards the HF extreme. After the 20% coupon it is going to be around $110 if is only 3/4 as good as advertized it should be a great tool for my needs.
If you have time, hit the pawn shops. Never know what you will find.
I should post pix of my rusty mess I am taking apart
Ian F
10/8/16 8:43 a.m.
Years ago I was stuck when trying to remove a pinion nut and my H-F quality gun wasn't doing the job. Said "f-it" and bought a IR 2135ti from my local Sears. Removed it within seconds. Loosened it so fast I thought something broke.
The H-F gun went into the trash.
Similar experience with a H-F tap & die set vs. Craftsman (from 10+ years ago). H-F is good for some things, but sometimes you get what you pay for.