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TeamEvil HalfDork
5/28/14 3:12 p.m.

That kind of insane re-stocking happens everywhere these days.

A buddy picked up a master cylinder at AutoZone, found it defective and returned it. They sold me the very same master cylinder later the same day. The damned box had my buddies greasy fingerprint(s) all over the underside of the end flaps where he shoved it back into the box, and it was full of brake fluid as well. Supposedly a new, fresh off of the shelf part.

I sliced up as much of the rubber seals and boot as I could reach and returned it for a refund. At some point, they'll HAVE to take it out of rotation I suspect.

Good luck with your build. Isn't this hobby supposed to be FUN rather than just a endless frustration?

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
5/28/14 3:14 p.m.

I mean... Dorman is the one selling the part in this case. They also made the part.

Sure, i can get the part from any of the local chain parts stores if i want to wait for them to special order it and take longer to get it to me than if i just order it myself, if i want to pay over $50 more for the part, if i want to spend the time to go down to the store TWICE (you know, because they don't stock it), and spend the gas money to make two round trips.

I'll support the local guy if the level of service and price is even close.

Beyond that, i'm a consumer, not a charity.

And i say this as someone who spends thousands at the local stores a year.

Trust me, i'm not a bad guy because Dorman themselves decided to slash prices on some stock for a car that nobody is messing with anymore, undercutting the stores that purchase the parts from them in the first place.

Bobzilla PowerDork
5/28/14 3:34 p.m.
alfadriver wrote: But I actually value service as part of the purchase price. Anyway, no point in digressing a bunch of pissed off people.

Wow.... condescending much?

yamaha UltimaDork
5/28/14 3:58 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote: I mean... Dorman is the one selling the part in this case. They also made the part. Sure, i can get the part from any of the local chain parts stores if i want to wait for them to special order it and take longer to get it to me than if i just order it myself, if i want to pay over $50 more for the part, if i want to spend the time to go down to the store TWICE (you know, because they don't stock it), and spend the gas money to make two round trips. I'll support the local guy if the level of service and price is even close. Beyond that, i'm a consumer, not a charity. And i say this as someone who spends thousands at the local stores a year. Trust me, i'm not a bad guy because Dorman themselves decided to slash prices on some stock for a car that nobody is messing with anymore, undercutting the stores that purchase the parts from them in the first place.

I have to agree with that one......and I even work for a reseller.

wbjones UltimaDork
5/28/14 4:03 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
alfadriver wrote: But I actually value service as part of the purchase price. Anyway, no point in digressing a bunch of pissed off people.
Wow.... condescending much?

wow …. one of the few times I ever find my self in 100% agreement with Bob …

But I actually value service as part of the purchase price. that was a bit uncalled for

Bobzilla PowerDork
5/28/14 4:04 p.m.
wbjones wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
alfadriver wrote: But I actually value service as part of the purchase price. Anyway, no point in digressing a bunch of pissed off people.
Wow.... condescending much?
wow …. one of the few times I ever find my self in 100% agreement with Bob … But I actually value service as part of the purchase price. that was a bit uncalled for

Everyone comes around sooner or later....

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/28/14 4:10 p.m.

Alfadriver missed the part where these were completely unavailable anywhere but online. Also the part where Amazon has always had amazing service to me.

Anyway, Just Suspension asked for photos again!!!

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
5/28/14 4:10 p.m.

Send them the same original photos, with the date of original picture taken watermarked. May as well berkeley with them at this point, right?

patgizz GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
5/28/14 5:39 p.m.
alfadriver wrote:
docwyte wrote: Why in the world would you order from AMAZON IN THE FIRST PLACE? You got all your money back, at that point you should've just ordered from The Tire Rack and been done with it.
FYP. Seriously, buying car parts on Amazon? Really? I can see books, music, some small electronics. But car parts? Are NAPA parts really that bad? Yea, it sucks that they treated you like crap. But amazon?

amazon is awesome, but i only buy stuff fulfilled by them.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/29/14 9:27 a.m.

I opened everything and checked them out, only one strut is actually damaged. The rest are just cosmetic scuffs. I might need a 339053. I submitted all the photos to Just Suspension and Amazon. They were so lazy they had actually cut the original shipping label off of the box and taped it to the new outer box. I asked them to just send me a 339053 and then I'd return the busted one and we'd be done. Let's see what happens...

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess MegaDork
5/29/14 9:30 a.m.

Seriously, after everything you went through the first time, why in the world did you reorder from them?

"Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, shame on me."

spitfirebill PowerDork
5/29/14 9:42 a.m.
Dr. Hess wrote: Seriously, after everything you went through the first time, why in the world did you reorder from them? "Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, shame on me."

That's what I was thinking.

Trans_Maro UltraDork
5/29/14 9:58 a.m.
alfadriver wrote: A lot of stuff.

Hmm.. I always chuckle when I see Americans with this attitude about "buying local" and "supporting the little guy"

Your country was founded on capitalisim and yet you complain when capiltalism works out really well for someone.

The "big nasty huge corporation" started out as the little guy and got big by making better business decisions, using leverage and taking chances (or lying, cheating and stealing but that happens sometimes).

Amazon is big because they could offer lower prices, Starbucks is big because they sell a better product.

The best part is, as a consumer, you can chose where to spend your money and what to spend it on.

I'm like Swank Force One, it's called "voting with your wallet".

We have a similar problem in Canada where everything costs nearly twice what it does in the USA. We've been told it's because the government wants to protect us or because we're getting better product. It's not.

Someone has duped a whole bunch of folks in my country into thinking we're somehow "better" because we get raped at the cash register every time.

A whole bunch of us aren't that stupid and buy online with U.S. shipping address. Everything his half price now.

Being proud of getting ripped off is pretty damn stupid if you ask me.

bmwbav New Reader
5/29/14 10:49 a.m.

I buy tons of car parts on Amazon, they are great, particularly when fulfilled by them. Prime 2 day shipping is awesome and their search function is profoundly better than most of the auto part stores websites. They are normally great when I've had to return stuff as well.

I buy all sorts of stuff from Amazon, mostly because of the convenience. From baby swings to stainless exhaust tubing. I don't get the distinction between books, music, and auto parts. Auto parts are a commodity, the only thing a local store would offer is expertise or assistance in finding something or troubleshooting. I haven't experienced either of those things lately at the big box stores.

The internet has made them irrelevant, there is more automotive knowledge available than any parts store person could have.

yamaha UltimaDork
5/29/14 10:53 a.m.
Trans_Maro wrote: Amazon is big because they could offer lower prices, Starbucks is big because they sell a better product.

Right on part 1, wrong on part 2......

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/29/14 11:20 a.m.

I just flew back from Canada (and boy, are my arms tired). Prices are not double what they are in the US, although complaining about prices is a Canadian national pastime. There is a distinct difference between Canadian and US markets, though. Lots more of those little guys in the US, Canadian retail tends to be more monolithic overall.

Amazon is a pretty interesting company - read The Everything Store if you want a peek under the hood. In this case, they're acting as a payment platform and reputation server for a third party. I do tend to prefer Amazon fulfillment myself, but it's not always an option.

wbjones UltimaDork
5/29/14 12:27 p.m.
yamaha wrote:
Trans_Maro wrote: Amazon is big because they could offer lower prices, Starbucks is big because they sell a better product.
Right on part 1, wrong on part 2......

thanks yamaha...

I was going to point out that Starbucks really isn't a better product … they've just got a better PR and advertising dept.

DuctTape&Bondo HalfDork
5/29/14 12:39 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote: I buy parts on Amazon all the time. Oftentimes the cheapest place to get them, and it's not like they only deal in cheap E36 M3ty parts. Case in point, i just bought a Dorman oil pan for the MX6. For my time, it was cheaper to just buy a new pan than clean up my old one. $17.41 shipped. Yeah, i'll support local businesses when they start selling parts for my car, and if they can come within $50 of the price i just paid. Amazon rules. http://www.amazon.com/Dorman-264-030-Oil-Pan/dp/B000CGIK0E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401305413&sr=8-1&keywords=Dorman+264-030

Well do I feel stupid for going to the self serve junkyard, crawling under a car and removing everything to get one of those and then still having to clean it up instead of just buying that.

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
5/29/14 12:45 p.m.
DuctTape&Bondo wrote:
Swank Force One wrote: I buy parts on Amazon all the time. Oftentimes the cheapest place to get them, and it's not like they only deal in cheap E36 M3ty parts. Case in point, i just bought a Dorman oil pan for the MX6. For my time, it was cheaper to just buy a new pan than clean up my old one. $17.41 shipped. Yeah, i'll support local businesses when they start selling parts for my car, and if they can come within $50 of the price i just paid. Amazon rules. http://www.amazon.com/Dorman-264-030-Oil-Pan/dp/B000CGIK0E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401305413&sr=8-1&keywords=Dorman+264-030
Well do I feel stupid for going to the self serve junkyard, crawling under a car and removing everything to get one of those and then still having to clean it up instead of just buying that.

Well for what it's worth, i didn't realize that existed for THAT cheap until yesterday. I was about to pony up and pay $37 shipped and be happy for it.

SEADave Reader
5/29/14 1:12 p.m.

For some of us Amazon IS a local business. Starbucks too for that matter.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/29/14 11:20 p.m.

This was their response:

Thank you sir. Looks like UPS re-packed your kit somewhere along the way, thats why they cut the label off the red box and taped it to the outer package. If you are unsatisfied with this kit as well, of course you are welcome to return it. Ami
AverageH Reader
5/30/14 12:23 a.m.

This happened to me last year when buying a slave cylinder for my Spitfire from Amazon. It was also through a third party, and while the reviews were lacking, I went ahead anyway. Well, when I finally got around to installing the damned thing, I think I had it for 3 weeks (their policy was a 15 day returns policy) and it turned out it was for a TR7. They refused to exchange it for me, so to this day I still have a TR7 slave cylinder sitting on my shelf. The best part was Amazon booted them as a vendor the very next day after my complaint.

Amazon is awesome. While I buy a lot of products from them, I still shop around giving the little guys a chance. I'm still stoked on the $80 miata radiator with free shipping I got from there last year though .


wbjones UltimaDork
5/30/14 5:34 a.m.
Javelin wrote: This was their response:
Thank you sir. Looks like UPS re-packed your kit somewhere along the way, thats why they cut the label off the red box and taped it to the outer package. If you are unsatisfied with this kit as well, of course you are welcome to return it. Ami

I've never heard of UPS re-packaging something and then shipping it back to the place that shipped it to start with ….

Curmudgeon MegaDork
5/30/14 8:16 a.m.

So far I've been good with everything I have ordered through Amazon, although the Kindle Fire sorta underwhelms me. My worst experience was through an eBay seller of intercoolers, I ordered one based on the size description and it showed to have 2 1/2 I/O. When I got the package it was in good shape, I pulled it out to be sure it wasn't damaged then stuck it back in the box. 15 day return policy.

Through one thing and another it was maybe a month before I had a chance to build the mountings etc, that's when I discovered my eyecrometer definitely needs recalibrating; the I/O were 3", not 2 1/2". So I contact the seller. Their reply: it was past the 15 days so no returns. Say WHAT? The item is NOT as described and you are going to tell me I can't return it? That is bullshi+. I filed a complaint through eBay (only time I have ever done this) and they found in my favor. So these clowns then inform me that they will refund my money because at no time did they have a 2 1/2 intercooler.

That's not going to do me any good. So, I kept the intercooler and ordered $100 worth of 90 degree adapter hoses to make it work. I also left negative feedback, again the only time I have ever done that.

Moral of the story: if you order from just-intercoolers 1) check behind these idiots 2) remember they will screw you on the 15 day return policy.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/30/14 9:16 a.m.

I do a lot of shopping at local businesses but there are some here that don't like deal with strangers so for auto parts I usually go to Advance or the interweb. I have bought from a couple Amazon dealers and all were good. The best was an air conditioner I bought that came with free shipping and when it came the delivery driver carried it right to the window for the wife, I just had to come home and put it in.

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