For me it's more than resale - I seldom sell cars, preferring to run them until the wheels fall off and then some.
I do take my cars on the road. AC ext ends my personal range considerably, makes it possible to to take my wife (OK, a mixed blessing there), and generally lets me enjoy a wider variety of automotive and other experiences.
RossD wrote:
I never look to see if a car does or doesnt have A/C.
Sure, but I don' t think the GRM crowd is terribly representative of used car buyers as a whole.
New Reader
7/14/09 3:58 p.m.
104 here today in Wichita, and we're only half way through July. Buy with A/C, the people here that say that they had it and don't miss it probably don't live around here.
maroon92 wrote:
I have only had one car with AC. Don't miss it.
and you're moving to GA?
Good luck on a resale on a car with broken AC in the south.
Basically take whatever you think you can get for a vehicle and then half it. That is what it is worth in the south with busted A/C....
Thats about all I got.
New Reader
7/14/09 4:49 p.m.
jrw1621 wrote:
My Miata has no AC. I have had it for 15 years that way, but... As noted above, I really can not use the Miata as my daily summer driver because of the need to arrive to work "neat." I also have the need to hold conversations via cell phone in my car during the day. A top down Miata is really no place to hold a civilized cell phone conversation what with the wind noise and all. A car with windows down is not much of a better cell phone conversation.
In summary. If the car you are buying is going to be your only car than I would get the AC.
you would have absolutely no problem holding a cell phone conversion in your top down Miata if you would PULL OFF THE DAMN ROAD... sorry I've been nearly run over by too many talkers...
New Reader
7/14/09 5:43 p.m.
I agree with find a Demo car and get AC.
But also depends on where you live. Here in FL I would not buy a new car without AC. The old 70s cars I have I dont drive 5 months out of the year due to the heat.