I went last Friday and it was a great time. I would estimate that there were well over 200 show cars.
Some of us are getting together this Friday (the 19th) at 6:00 at the Kimball Farm in Lancaster Ma
Kimball Farm - Lancaster
1543 Lunenburg Road (Rt. 70)
Lancaster, MA 01523
(978) 534-9800
Link to there web site: http://www.kimballfarm.com/lancaster.shtml
If Anyone from here is interested it is a good time. It is a Family oriented place / event so bring the kids!!!! I will be there with my 6 year old son. We are planing to meet up at the pine stand to the left of the main building (again at 6:00). I will be waring my GRM T shirt. Although the show is advertised as starting at 5:00 (when I got there) there were well over 100 cars already lined up.
The plan? There really is no plan one people meet up we can look at cool cars and eat ice cream. My son will want to look at every car on the lot.
Here is a link to some photos I took:
Some photos showing about 1/3 of the cars at the place.

Anyway it is a good time anyone that would like to join us is welcome.
I'd love to go but I work in Saugus until 5:30 so getting there before 7:30 would be an uphill battle.
I'll be at the Northeast exotic car show in Merrimack NH Saturday with a group of racers. www.northeastexotic.com
Stop by if you can. We'll have out SCCNH banner out.
Small change in plan. We will be meeting at the "tractor" that is in frount of the ice cream stand at 6:00
8/16/11 4:22 p.m.
Sounds like a good time, I will try to make it.
Just bumping this up as it is tomorow night!!!
Anyone else going to be there?
Was hoping to get there but have to work in all this water in to the clay at the bike track for Saturdays race.
Saturday Aug 20. Arron Creamer race, Haymond Law Firm Girls, New England Biker Night, $5 per person if riding a streetbike admission,
200% 450 Pro Payout!!
Practice 4:30, Races at 5.
Wachusett Valley Riders Club Rt 12
Winchendon ma.
Dean and others come on up sat! Get there early you can watch from your car or grab a seat in the recently rebuilt grandstands bring lawn chair if coming by car.
unlike car races pits are open to anyone all the time at the WVRC.
Dang it I will be in Meredith NH
8/19/11 2:43 p.m.
I am not sure that the weather is going to cooperate and provide a suitable environment for a car show tonight.
I am currently watching a massive thunderstorm with very strong winds and pea sized hail out my window...
If I actually owned a vehicle that didn't resemble a leftover prop from "Beyond Thunderdome" I would probably have it tucked safely in the garage tonight...
Well I was there waited at the tractor till about 6:15 and did not see anyone. It was a good time. No rain at The event. Most of the Thunderstorms seemed to stay to the south. The number of cars was down from the previous week ( we counted 85) due to the thunder storms that were around. No Photos. My son and I stayed till about 8:30. A car that I wish I had taken photos was a supercharged Marauder. It was a tuner branded conversion that really worked!!!
I made it there late (7:30ish) was just sitting down to eat and saw a GRM wearing gentalman playing with a boy by a nice blue coupe and a green & white pick up but after we finished could not find you.
As a teenager i spent hours across the street at Dufours junk yard (now closed). Nice show!
That was me and my son!!!!! Wait Gentlman??????? LOL There was a 30's coup with a big block and an 871 that was really nice.
Well you didn't have orange spiked hair or a lab coat...
Yes there was some nice stuff there..