My son's friend has a 2015 Grand Cherokee that threw the P0456 DTC code a few days ago. I figured it was maybe a loose gas cap, but it turns out this thing doesn't have a gas cap (
???) .
I figured I'd just clear the code, but the car would not allow me to clear it, with either the car running, or engine off.
Any idea why? Is it blocked so they have to take it back to the dealer, or is there another reason? I just have a cheap $70 HF code reader, so I guess that could be part of the reason.
I told him it should be a warranty thing anyway with a new car, but I'm curious.
Take it to the dealer.
Otherwise if you really want to reset it, try disconnecting the battery.
How about fixing the leak? Loose gas caps became there own code many years ago.
It probably can't be reset anymore with a "cheap" pocket reader, as least anymore. You can read codes but to reset will require a more expensive machine. Disconnecting the battery doesn't work either.
Sounds like it might be a hard code.
2015? Is the car already out of warranty? Because that sounds like it should be the dealer's problem...
The cap less filler was a small problem on my 2011 Fiesta. I used the filler funnel provided with the car. I inserted it in the filler and then sprayed carb cleaner around the filler. Seems to have cured it.
Sine the fuel systems are now sealed, the code indicates a vacuum leak in the system. Take it to the dealer. It may come under emissions warranty, the code says it is a very small leak.
Chryslers can be weenies about clearing codes, need to do a hokey-pokey with turning the key on and off.
The question is, why do you want to clear it? If the problem is still there, it will come back. If it was a hiccup, it will self-clear.
Thanks for the input everybody. Just a spur of the moment thing - they showed up with the car and asked if I could clear the code. I figured I could at least see what the code is for the kid, then found it odd that it wouldn't let me clear it.
Actually, I found the lack of a gas cap even more weird.
I told him it should be covered under warranty and to take it to the dealer anyway.
"trouble code". Maybe they feel that people won't just turn it off because there is a "trouble"
I can still turn mine off on the Fiesta.