Update: ran the weedeater line down the drains, no luck. Removed the cowl plastic trim to discover the ends of the drain lines just in front of the A pillar base. Both sides were clogged with an extremely sticky mass of schmutz. Milked that out manually (farm flashbacks) and flushed water down through the drains (they seem good now).
Called VW of A again this morning and explained very politely that they needed to support their owners a bit better and got exactly nowhere. No help, no discounted parts, nothing but "I'm sorry you've had a bad experience sir."
I've been a supporter of VAG all along but I'm done, this will be my last VW product. They drive nicely and look good but it's been nothing but problems that other cars just don't seem to suffer from.
I bought this thing 4 years ago with 65K on the clock, I bought the extended warranty then and since that date:
alternator failed at 66K
Suspension bushings failed at 70K, are creaking again but I'm too broke to replace them myself right now
AC compressor failed at 85K
clockspring failed at 88K
several regulators are bad, but still work so haven't been replaced
Timing chain failed at 105K taking the valvetrain with it, $9,000 covered by the end of the warranty.
Catalytic converters failed at 106K, replaced on my own dime.
Drains clogged taking the headliner with them.
Buttons with their "soft touch" material look like trash, it comes off far too easily.
There are other little things I'm sure I'm forgetting but those are the big items.
It's still a tremendously nice car to drive and I'm not really in a position to get rid of it but the number of little failures is ridiculous for such an expensive car. Good luck VW, I'm over your brand.