Hey guys,
Long time no see,
Scored a sweet deal on an 08 Mazda3 Grand Touring from my wife's cousin. They only had it about a year and a half and it was buy here pay here car I think, or at least a corner lot car dealer type place. I had recently picked up an 85 RX-7 project for my youngest son and I to mess with, and eventually be his car. However it isn't a great year round car for New England, and probably not the safest car for a teenager, so I wanted to find a more modern car for him. Stumbled on this deal as my wife's cousin ,and her husband are getting two brand new leases on Subaru's. I inquired about the Mazda3 that had been sitting for at least 6 months, and she told me they were going to trade it in. I asked how much they were getting for it, and offered to buy it from them instead.
They had stopped using it because it was running poorly, and their repair shop said that they didn't really want to work on it anymore. Not sure why, or what was/is really wrong with it. I was told that it was running rough, and they parked it to share the one good car they had left. I went over to their house on Friday after work with a jump box because I was made aware that the battery was dead. Arrived to a really nasty looking battery with that white fuzz all over it. Tried my jump box to no avail. Tried jumper cables to no avail. Went back over on Saturday to remove the battery for a core, and go to a local Interstate battery and buy a refurbished battery for cheap. Went over on Sunday, cleaned the cables, installed the battery, and it fired right up. Made some clacking noises at first, and was a bit shaky, but smoothed out eventually. Still had a bit of a skip to it though. Aired up two of the tires, took it for a spin around the neighborhood. All seemed fine once I got the rust off the rotors. Acceleration was super smooth, but it went okay. Had her follow me home in my Sienna, removed the plates from the Mazda, and gave her a ride home.
Later that evening I am showing it to a friend, and investigating things more. Popped the trunk, and lifted the carpet to see the spare tire. Well has a significant amount of water in it. Popped the rubber plug, and drained the water. Popped the hood, and the engine cover to find a mouse nest made from the white insulation on the underside of the cover. Notice some wiring that the loom has been removed exposing the wiring, but looks like humans did it instead of rodents. No check engine lights, but definitely a skip in the idle, and acceleration. Power door locks seem to have a mind of their own, and the fob(non-Mazda fob) seems to make a beep sound come from the car, but the doors don't lock. However if you open the door the horn starts blasting on and off like an alarm. Needs a bit of TLC, and a good detail, but overall it seems like a good car. Oil, and coolant look fine.
Not sure what I've got myself into. Any words to the wise on things to look for? While I was getting coolant for my Sienna I asked the parts guy for spark plugs fro the Mazda, but they didn't have any. I figure plugs won't hurt. 118k on the clock, but it seems it was not well maintained, but also not necessarily abused.