New Reader
2/3/10 2:12 p.m.
Hey folks. Quite by accident, I've found a new and MUCH easier way to remove sound deadening material. I bought a car to resell, and the PO more or less used this car as a rolling trash can. The carpet was absolutely ruined. After I removed the old carpet, I found a mold colony about 4' long by 1.5' wide on the left side of the car. And I mean this stuff smells horrible! So, how do you remove the mold? It had penetrated the sound deadening material. My idea: soak it in bleach! So I did. I poured about one quart over the stuff and let it sit for an hour. When I got back, quite a bit of it had leaked past the rubber floor plugs, but some remained. I took a stick and scraped it across the top of the material, and it scratched the surface. I dug in with it, and the S.D material pulled RIGHT UP with no effort at all. Well, so did the paint, but that's another story. I'll update this tomorrow after I make sure that there's not actual damage to the floorpan, but I don't expect to find any.
So, you recommend growing a massive mold colony and then mixing it with bleach?
So, mold removes sound deadening and then bleach removes mold. Got it.
Liquid nitrogen works even better. Dry ice is a distant second.
no no no...the bleach removes the paint. The sound deadening goop grew between the mold and the paint
4cylndrfury wrote:
The sound deadening goop grew....
Quick, kill it before it adds weight to my car!

A co-worker said gas works well too. I'd be tempted to burn it out if I used gas.
2/3/10 9:41 p.m.
Just wait until winter... A couple taps with a hammer and that junk flakes right off.
The original poster is located in Georgia where winter means it's time to start using less than "max A/C"
Will try bleach, dry ice and hammer = distorted floor pans.
2/4/10 1:32 a.m.
I have always used the dry ice method myself. Every time I remove the sound deadening from a car I am flat out amazed at how much of that crap they manage to stick in there! I got close to 100 lbs out of my Nissan, haven't done the Lexus yet. I hope to complete it sometime this winter...
New Reader
2/4/10 10:44 a.m.
ansonivan wrote:
The original poster is located in Georgia where winter means it's time to start using less than "max A/C"
Will try bleach, dry ice and hammer = distorted floor pans.
Not THIS year my friend. Most years I'd agree though.....
I'm beginning to wonder if the bleach was the answer though: it's possible that the material was weakened by the mold. I'd been too scared to touch the stuff. If you'd seen this disaster, you'd understand.
2/4/10 11:10 a.m.
It's way more fun to set your car on fire on purpose to get rid of the sound deadening.

2/4/10 11:12 a.m.
I am at work, so I can't actually see those pictures I linked - I apologize if they are wrong
they are wrong...we will let it slide, this time.
I used a $4.50 air hammer from Harbor Freight. Fast, easy cleanup and no mold required.
2/4/10 1:50 p.m.
maroon92 wrote:
they are wrong...we will let it slide, this time.
Aww crap - what are they actually pictures of? Mold?
Since I'm at work also...they're pretty pictures of red Xs