I'm told the 1985-1994 Granadas were never imported to the US. Ford being neither Lada, Trabant, or Wartburg I'm having trouble locating the rear uprights in the Hungarian junkyards. (I'm afraid Ebay.co.uk hasn't been much help either)
Does anyone know of a suitable sub for the Mk3 Granada/Scorpio rear uprights? (availability in the US would be a plus)
4/10/12 8:16 a.m.
British American Transfer (BAT) would be a good place to start since they have Euro Ford Parts and are in the states.
Isn't the Mk3 Granada just a Ford Scorpio Mk1? If that was the case we did get them as the Merkur Scorpio
ditchdigger wrote:
Isn't the Mk3 Granada just a Ford Scorpio Mk1? If that was the case we did get them as the Merkur Scorpio
Yup. My parent ran several Granada's as I was growing up.
First was an 'S' registration 1977 blue Mk 1 saloon.
Next was a red Estate. Initialy with the big 2.3L V6, later that was replaced by the massive 2.8L V6!!!1

You guys are awesome!
My google-fu must be getting weak, I've been having the worst time finding the info I need on these darned things...