Buddy of mine dragged home a 90 Integra with the 1.8 and an automatic. Calls me up and asks why it won't start after he changed the fuel filter and put on new wires and plugs. After going over all the usual reasons (no fuel, no spark) i go over to his place and take a look for myself. Everything looked like it was installed correctly, but he had this no-spark condition. I told him it was either the coil or the ignitor. We installed a new coil and i had a spare ignitor from my prelude that figured i'd try. Still no spark. About this time i noticed he had the battery hooked up backwards (positive lead to negative terminal, negative lead to positive terminal). He says he got the car that way, I turn the battery around and the car immediately cranks better, but still no spark. Could hooking the battery up crazy have screwed up the ECU? I haven't checked all the fuses yet, and it seems like the Main Relay is ok. Any ideas on what eles would cause a no-spark condition? Bad distributor harness or distributor itself? I'm a little stumped..