Nick_Comstock wrote:
You wanna talk about body roll...I have auto crossed a couple of these
(not my pic or me driving)
They have the most dramatic body roll of any car I've ever driven, but I never felt like they were going to tip over.
because they pass the height to width rule
I just checked the exclusion list and my Citroen isn't on it! I'm going to sell the Fiesta and campaign this in 2015!

Harvey wrote:
This sort of thread is why I dislike anything to do with running an autocross club or events. It's amazing how quickly a bunch of adults can turn into tactless infants when they don't like the rules.
WE DO NOT!!! I am going to go home now and you can't play with my toys. 
In reply to yamaha: The safety stewards should make the DSP BMW drivers correct the two wheeling with wider wheels and tires, 1"+ wheel adapters, or other mods because rollovers shouldn't be a worry. I'm surprised that some econoboxes (except the Fiesta ST) are rollover prone in autocross, but some performance SUVs are not, especially the older ones.
JKleiner wrote:
I just checked the exclusion list and my Citroen isn't on it! I'm going to sell the Fiesta and campaign this in 2015!
you'll still have to write a letter … that car isn't classed anywhere
Remember when the Miata first came out and they were rolling over like crazy?

Yeah, neither do I. But I do know that if you Google Body Roll you will get this: