i'm looking pretty much for any kind of racing fun in the fall or winter in northeast ohio. the local scca region's website is worthless. they have links to the 2006 events stuff.
i'm looking to basically pound the snot out of my P71 and have fun while doing so.
You could ask at the NORA forum: http://noraracing.net/forum/
Not much if any rallycross near Cleveland that I know of. Beaverun has rallycross days. NORAs last auto x is in 2 weeks. Ice racing is in New York.
Kind of far for you, but AMEC will be holding an auto cross on a 1/3 mile paved stock car track on Nov.7 if it doesn't snow.
It's near Saratoga Spa.
10/4/09 7:20 p.m.
I think there are some up by me in the Appleton/Green Bay area.
Fox Valley Sports Car Club
Haven't been to one yet.... 
10/4/09 7:54 p.m.
Mid-Ohio region SCCA is the only rallycross I know of. Somehow Northern Ohio is a deadzone when it comes to racing; nascar is another matter...
Hey Pat, I'll race ya mate
Tom Heath
Marketing / Club Coordinator
10/4/09 8:52 p.m.
How about southern Michigan? They've got a pretty strong RallyCross program.
Detroit RallyCross schedule
Not around the corner, but probably worth the drive...
cool i might be able to make the november event in adrian.
just need to make sure my e-brake works and get a helmet - no stinky loaner for me.
In reply to Tom Heath:
+1 on Detroit area,easy 2hr drive.
Strange coincidence that I saw a Michigan plated WRX, Mazda Protege both with mud flaps, mud and GRM stickers heading west when I was coming back from autox yesterday.
It looked like they just went rally crossing, i wanted to ask them what was going on but its hard to ask people questions driving down the highway