Just because you finally figured out why your $7 Harbor Freight grease gun doesn't work and fixed it doesn't mean its a good idea to go lube the u-joints and slip yoke on your truck at midnight with a dying flashlight. Especially not if your first time ever using a grease gun for anything.
sounds like fun, that had to suck.
For what its worth, my $15 pnuematic hf grease gun works better that my $55 pnuematic grease gun from a reputable auto parts store, even in the dark and upside-down.
After my experience with the hand powered grease gun I don't think I can trust myself with a pneumatic one even thought it sounds like a fun time.
HappyAndy wrote:
For what its worth, my $15 pnuematic hf grease gun works better that my $55 pnuematic grease gun from a reputable auto parts store, even in the dark and upside-down.
Yeah, my pittsburgh end wrenches feel a lot better in the hand than my old craftsmans, too.
Additional Note To Self: If you insist on ignoring the above Note To Self, Dawn dishwashing detergent takes grease out of your hair nicely, and if it's midnight you don't have to explain to your wife or S.O. why you are taking it into the shower.
wreckerboy wrote:
Additional Note To Self: If you insist on ignoring the above Note To Self, Dawn dishwashing detergent takes grease out of your hair nicely, and if it's midnight you don't have to explain to your wife or S.O. why you are taking it into the shower.
That is why they use it to degrease animals.... caught in other oil spills.
If your S. O. asks... just tell her " It does a nice job at ridding body bugs as well ! "
always worked for me ( and my three wives LOL )
So what you're saying is you accidentally shot grease all over the wrong places in the dark because you're inexperienced?