5/2/16 3:16 p.m.
Triumph Spitfires are relatively commonly seen with engines swap. But someone took the time to swap in a MG B motor. Given if offers only a bit more power, weighs a lot more and a wash reliability wise one has to wonder why. One could accomplish the thing by adding a Weber and a small pile of bricks to the Triumph motor. Given that why do I still want it?

and the money shot

Depends on when it was done, I guess. Maybe he had a hard time getting Triumph parts in the late 80's or something.
Probably because he had a Triumph with no engine and a good MGB engine.
It could have been a case of "this is what I had sitting around."
5/2/16 3:38 p.m.
Still makes more sense than the Integra GS-R sedan I saw with a D15 swapped in. That one made me rage.
5/2/16 3:47 p.m.
NickD wrote:
Still makes more sense than the Integra GS-R sedan I saw with a D15 swapped in. That one made me rage.
GS-R motors being what they are, and GS-R owners being what they are, I can only assume that was the result of too much enthusiasm grenading the original engine, coupled with too little money to source another one.
5/2/16 3:53 p.m.
Duke wrote:
NickD wrote:
Still makes more sense than the Integra GS-R sedan I saw with a D15 swapped in. That one made me rage.
GS-R motors being what they are, and GS-R owners being what *they* are, I can only assume that was the result of too much enthusiasm grenading the original engine, coupled with too little money to source another one.
Seems like it'd be way more expensive to put in a D-series though than just a non-VTEC B18
NickD wrote:
Still makes more sense than the Integra GS-R sedan I saw with a D15 swapped in. That one made me rage.
Maybe his car was stolen and stripped of its drivetrain, but he found a D15 on Craigslist from someone who just did a VTEC B18 conversion on his Civic...
Heck. That sounds like the kind of swap I'd do just for the lulz. Park the car in a high crime area, let it get stolen (should take about four hours), hidden camera to get the look on the thieves' faces when they open the hood.
5/3/16 7:19 a.m.
By the time I actually have room/time/money to do my Zetec rwd swap, it will be completely pointless swap. Used Duratecs are now cheap and the rear wheel drive transmissions are substantially better than a Zetec and pinto 4 speed. 
5/3/16 7:19 a.m.
One of my favorite 'funny' swaps was the guy who put a 850cc BMC A-series engine from a Mini into a honda of some sort. Don't remember if it was a Civic or a CRX. Did it as a joke on all the folks who put Honda engines into Minis.