Help! I reckon someone on here can probably point me in the right direction. A new-to-me, but built in ~1970, piece of equipment calls for "HLP 16 DIN 51525" hydraulic oil (somewhat miraculously, yes, I have the manual). I have Googled and found lots of references to HLP and DIN 51524, but nothing of the above designation. Any suggestions? I suppose is the interwebz epicenter for this answer...
DIN 51525 is a standard for fluid that hasn't been used for a while. I'm still digging.
EDIT: OK, found a fluid that meets the standard. here
Looks like the basics are ISO46 mineral based hydraulic oil. Likely a standard AW.
I'd call an oil supplier like Valvoline. That's what we did when trying to find the right fluid for the rear of a 1966 Cadillac, it was calling out some weird milspec fluid.
Edit: or ask Bobzilla 
In reply to Keith Tanner:
well, oil (and coolants) are what I do all day. 
Is that Startol page a misprint? They cite 51525 in the description, but in the "Usable for" box it lists 51524/2+3 ? I have no idea what I'm looking at, so I can't tell otherwise.
Can you suggest an easily-available equivalent? When I look up ISO 46 I get lots of results. Chevron has like 5 different kinds. This is for an air-over-hydraulic-cylinder downfeed system if that helps.
Gracias for the help!
edit - How 'bout Mobil DTE 25 ? $25/gal at McMaster.
5/13/17 5:45 a.m.
Super-trac oil at Tractor supply $27 for 5 gallons. Fits most equipment older than 74.
It's iso 20 but should work just fine. What's it going in? I've been using it in my 1939 Porter McLeod lathe head stock for past few year and forks in some of my dirt bikes.