Shine those helmets and tidy those chinstraps, because there's a major holiday headed our way. Wear Your Helmet to Work Day presented by Stilo is Friday, October 18.
What is Wear Your Helmet to Work Day? Simple: It's the one day of the year when we can share our passion with the rest of the world (or at least the …
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Hey that's my birthday!
I better get my hands on a helmet.
Time to go Stilo shopping!
Great photos. Pity I'm not on Instagram.
You can add them here, too.
We get to see the Stig and his very extended family every where in the world including the his evil 15 cousin that is a vet with an evil cat, a animal vet and his pet cat Harman.
Some very funny photos to say the least, though the vet with the cat just screams evil overlord for sure.
Mine from last year had some nerd cred if you can make out what's going on here:

I'll be between jobs when the date rolls around this year, does taking a pic on the couch in an undershirt and boxers with ramen count?
8/18/19 7:05 a.m.
I've had two different Facebook memories pop up for August dates. Curious why the switch to October? Too hot for a helmet in FL?
FWIW, it is illegal to wear a helmet in a car in Ohio.
So if you reside in our great state, you can wear your helmet AT work, just don't wear it TO work, unless you are riding a bike. Or a motorcycle. Or you can just risk getting a ticket, which is pretty much "any day that ends in Y", so you go right on ahead with that.
Knurled. said:
FWIW, it is illegal to wear a helmet in a car in Ohio.
So if you reside in our great state, you can wear your helmet AT work, just don't wear it TO work, unless you are riding a bike. Or a motorcycle. Or you can just risk getting a ticket, which is pretty much "any day that ends in Y", so you go right on ahead with that.
It's illegal to drive a car on public roads with your face obscured in most jurisdictions, which is why stage rally drivers still use open-face helmets.
8/28/19 9:51 a.m.
Will be in the market for a new helmet soon...But would get fired for violating the camera policy at work...Hmmm.
Not very tech savvy , no Facebook or Instagram accounts. So just posted here.
Just another day at the "office" in Palm Beach FL.
PS it is not advised to try and swim in a helmet. Do not try at home.
Today made being in the office a little less boring
I have the day off...

So I chilled in my hot tub like usual.

Another member of the day off gang here.
In reply to Daylan C :
You have Instagram! I'm calling shenanigans!
In reply to Jordan Rimpela :
Oh no you've cleverly deduced that the instagram account with my name on it is mine...
Ok I posted it there too.
Do mountain bike helmets count?
How about if I bring the mountain bike into the office too?

On my way to work. Credit to my son for taking the photo. He thinks I look like the American Stig.
New Reader
10/18/19 7:08 p.m.
Missed the deadline but figured I'd post anyways. Just another day at the office.
I work at home on Fridays, so this is the home office. The pups slept through the whole thing, too.