1/8/12 6:58 p.m.
Not as baller as the 05 Impala with the fancy lights behind the M3....
The 2001 740i will hopefully be on its way to its new home the end of this week. Its funny I paid half as much for the 740 as I did for the M3 and am much happier with the M3 purchase. Especially when you consider how much they were new and the fact that the E38 is 2 years newer.
Feedyurhed wrote:
Speaking of cleaning it up properly....................check this thread out, it seems to be very appropriate right about now.
That is the most expensive car wash I have ever seen. The wax was $8000 a can!
ZOO wrote:
Mine is the best all-around car I have ever owned.
I'll say the same for my '98 M 3/4/5
ditchdigger wrote:
Feedyurhed wrote:
Speaking of cleaning it up properly....................check this thread out, it seems to be very appropriate right about now.
That is the most expensive car wash I have ever seen. The wax was $8000 a can!
That was in British pounds too. In US dollars it would be $12, 500 (approx) !!
mad_machine wrote:
They did have a 6 speed... in europe
The comment wasn't made by someone living in Europe. :) I should have added "here".
In any case, enjoy it the car!
1/8/12 9:49 p.m.
A M3/4/5 is a four door e36 M3 with a 5-speed manual. They are exceedingly rare.
ditchdigger wrote:
Feedyurhed wrote:
Speaking of cleaning it up properly....................check this thread out, it seems to be very appropriate right about now.
That is the most expensive car wash I have ever seen. The wax was $8000 a can!
So now he has a great driver's car that he can't drive for fear of getting it dirty.
Theres a few Import dealers in the northern CInci area that have quite a few very clean, sub 100k mile E36 M3s - theres not a one for less than $12k...The wife and I happen to have differing opinions on this vehicle, but shes allowed to be wrong every so often
. We also happen to have enough saved up in cash (trying to purchase some acreage) to put one in our garage.
I have to talk myself off the ledge every day...the checkbook to the account is only inches from where my keys hang on the wall, and I know I can make it to one of the dealerships before she even realizes Im gone (Ive timed it).
One day at a time....
Nice M3! Try this easy fix for your window auto-up feature:
I had the same exact problem. When I would press the switch for "up" the window would go about 1/4 up, then stop and go back down. I would have to press it again and hold it down for it to go back up all the way. The window has been like this since I purchased the car last year.
I did a "reset" to the regulator, and that totally fixed it. It works 100% now, and I didn't need to take anything apart.
First, press AND HOLD the "down" button on the window switch. Keep on holding until the window goes down, and still hold for about 10 seconds. Then press AND HOLD the "up" button on the window switch. After the window fully closes, keep on holding the button down for about 10 seconds.
Then go full down, then press the up once, and see if it automatically goes all the way until closing. If it does not, then repeat the procedure above.
It took me three attempts at the reset procedure before it was working as normally.
Hope this helps!
1/15/12 12:41 a.m.
I will try that tommorow and see if that fixes it for me.
I clay barred and waxed the car this weekend. It came out great, it is like a new car. It is a new experience for me having a car that is nice enough to wash / park in the back of the parking lot etc... I am used to driving POS's with half assed paint jobs etc...
I signed up for a local autocross on the 22nd. It will be the first time driving something other then my B13 SE-R in anger in quite some time.
New Reader
1/15/12 8:40 a.m.
What pedals are on the car? Are they replacements, or do they go over the existing pedals?
Beautiful car, looks like you got a great one!
1/16/12 11:39 a.m.
Congrats to the OP - somehow I keep making other choices than an E36 M3, but it's always on my wish list!