Unbelievably bad drivers. Just got to work (overnights) and saw 4 highway spinouts down into the overgrowth and two on side roads.
Never touched 4x4 and have an empty bed. I feel bad for these people. As much as a can’t stand them being on the road.
To and from work today, traffic doing 75 in a 70 until they come up to salt truck doing 45 and everyone slows down to 47 to pass it... uh hello, no reason to drop 30MPH when passing a salt truck.
They closed a road in spokane because of multiple slideoffs.
It was an 1/8th inch of snow.....
It’s great when I get to work 20 minutes early in a snowstorm and get rewarded for it by having to cover for the people that can’t make it on time.
Meanwhile in Kentucky...
And I am now vindicated for being the only one to get the snow blower out last weekend and service it and make sure it is in good working order. People were walking by and heckling me for it saying we never get snow this time of year. Just took a look out side and there is a solid six inches of snow on the ground.
About the only good thing has been there was no hype for this storm around here. Last year you would think the world was ending and we would get a couple inches.
Plows have been going by every hour or so and the dog starts barking at the flashing lights waking me up. I think this time I may be up for good.
Yesterday, on my way to work (2nd shift, 3-11), were possibly the worst conditions I've ever driven in. The mostly unplowed roads had a thick layer of ice with washboarding and potholes in the ice. Visibility was low enough that I was okay with going 40 mph. There was a lineup for my exit off the interstate (I only go one exit), so I went to the left lane, figuring I'd have to take the long way 'round. It turns out that people were just doing that thing where they are looking for a reason to stop. There were a couple cars spun out, but plenty of room to get around. I went around, and found 2 semis and a tri-axle that couldn't go. I ended up doing some off-roading to keep going. All told, I probably passed 10-15 cars in some level of crashed. I did something that I never do; I left the truck in 4wd the entire time.
Last night was my daughters first solo in the snow. She drove to ballet class around 5. No snow. Got out at 9:30 and there was snow. Got a call as she was leaving, and she walked in the door 12 minutes later. Acted like it was no big deal. Said something about her car being a Saab, ... front wheel drive... no worries. I raised her well. Heading out to clear the driveway and clean off four cars so the fam can scatter in four different directions at 7am.
I was stuck in a plane on the tarmac for almost 6 hours at Newark. I got to the airport at noon and it wasnt even snowing. Boarded at 245pm and then got stuck (LITERALLY) at the deicing station on the tarmac. Took 2 tugs to get us out of the snowbank. Finally took off at 830pm, made Atlanta at 1030pm, drove home and was in bed by 2AM.
See also the thread where the Jeep is trying to blow up the front driveline when I was 20 miles out.
Watched the TV weather guy last night, he drove 50 miles south on 87 with a camera man to see the snow and report. Later they were headed back north on 87, and there he was: only three cars on the road but the guy up front was straddling two lanes with the flashers on. So much for night vision.
I’m so happy I am out of work. What a complete and total E36 M3show. Nothing was cleared/salted etc. People were stuck all night, the idiot in charge of Sanitation is saying it’s not there fault because they were stuck in traffic. So much incompetence all around. They probably had to save some money somewhere, we have a helipad to build Mr Bezos.
I’ve got a mess of these in my inbox.