I'm interested in the '88 Isuzu Impulse turbo that's advertised on the $2010 challenge classifieds here. It's local, and I think it would make a fun, cheap HPDE beater. But I'm not a mechanic, so besides oil changes and simple stuff, I usually have a mechanic do any repairs for me. I understand cars very well, just have little wrenching experience.
The Isuzu apparently had it's oil pressure drop to zero. Oil pump is obviously the first culprit. What else, besides catastrophic engine failure (which would be obvious) could cause this? Is the pump easy to replace? Lastly, is there anyone who lives near Allentown, PA who would be willing to assist me in changing it (for a case of beer or something)? 
5/10/10 8:20 a.m.
Not necessarilly caused by the oil pump. Could be a bad bearing. If you are looking for a car to drive and have fun and not wrench on I would not buy one without oil pressure. If you want to learn how to rebuild an engine maybe. If you want to pay someone to fix then ok.
The oil pump is usually the last thing to cause a loss of oil pressure. Things that hold the pressure,ie: bearings are more likely.
5/10/10 11:18 a.m.
gauge went out? had it happen to a friends mustang
Listed in order of likley hood for no low oil presure.
1) cloged pick up tube. (tin foil top from oil jugs).
2) failed presure sensor.
3) worn bearings (crank and cam)
4) someone removed counter balancer shaft with out using a kit.
5) bad pump