How much do I need to buy a running/driving '91 Subaru Legacy sedan? I just sold my winter beater so need to replace that, and I want to try rallyx...
2.2 5spd. Requisite Hella 500's already installed. A friend of mine owned it for several years so I know some of its history. He sold it last fall, since then the current owner has replaced the exhaust, alternator, and brake master cyl. I know the rear rockers/doglegs are rusty (front rockers already repaired). 219k.
Asking price: $500. I'm looking at it tomorrow, planning on showing up with $400 cash...
You asked us. Because of this, you and I both know that you need it.
Matt B
6/12/11 6:58 p.m.
Sounds just about perfect for your needs, esp. at that price. So, uh 9?
9.75 and ask about the timing belt.
6/12/11 7:24 p.m.
that many miles timing belt is legitimate question... (a necessity on a 2.5) on the 2.2 be sure the cam seals have been replaced
and since you ask us... it really means you just want us to help you justify it ... 
I think your decision is already made.
GRM, I need your wisdom.
Looked at it tonight. Body is rougher than I had hoped, but meh... it's a 20 year old Subaru. Couple junkyard fenders and some bondo + spraypaint = good as new.
However, there is a fairly major oil leak. Owner says it wasn't there 3 days ago last time he started the car but it's leaking like a mofo now. Kind of spurting out from between the timing cover and block. Cam seals?
I also have the benefit of knowing that it's stored at the sellers' parents house, and said parents want it GONE by Friday. That, combined with the rolling oil spill status, makes me think I could take it away for DIRT cheap.
250 delivered sounds like a good plan... Start there.
Yeah, it needs to be towed. I've daily driven cars with significant oil leaks (about a month at 1qt per 20 miles), but this is serious.
My main question is where could that much oil be coming from?